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Jan. 31, 2024

10 Tips for Small Business Success

10 Tips for Small Business Success

In this episode 103 of the Business Development Podcast, hosted by Kelly Kennedy, the focus is on strategies for the development and success of small businesses. Kelly emphasizes the value of time, resources and skills management in the running of ...

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The Business Development Podcast

In this episode 103 of the Business Development Podcast, hosted by Kelly Kennedy, the focus is on strategies for the development and success of small businesses. Kelly emphasizes the value of time, resources and skills management in the running of a small business and shares valuable insights on business development. The episode features expert advice for the growth of small businesses, with discussions about practical daily tips for business owners and importance of active marketing strategies.


Kelly highlights the significance of LinkedIn as a platform for enhancing connections and utilizing it for business growth. There is also advice on how to best use digital calendars, websites and brochures as key tools in business development. The importance of creating a diverse team, carrying out active marketing strategies, making the best use of phone calls, and taking responsibility for business growth are discussed in detail. Kelly encourages listeners to maintain a consistent daily notepad detailing their top duties and fostering a practice of regular follow-up. The episode concludes with a reminder that taking control of business growth contributes significantly to long-term success.


Key Takeaways:

Use a calendar effectively for meeting schedules, work time, and business development activities.

Consider investing in a professional website and brochures to potentially boost brand awareness and attract customers.

Dedicate at least one day per week for new business development tasks.

Employ a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) system to keep track of your business development efforts.

Assemble a diverse team and delegate tasks to them.

Avoid using money you don't have on passive strategies. Focus more on active business development strategies.

Regular phone calls are beneficial for direct communication with clients and valuable for active marketing.

Utilize LinkedIn to its full potential as a networking and connecting tool.

Understand the importance of taking responsibility for the growth of your business.

Keep a daily notepad to note down and keep track of your top tasks for the day.


Need a CRM? Pipedrive CRM partner link with extended 30 Day Trial: https://aff.trypipedrive.com/5zsg0410z40x


10 Tips for Small Business Success

Kelly Kennedy: Welcome to episode 103 of the business development podcast. And today's episode is all about small business. If you're trying to juggle time, resources and skills, this is an episode for you. Stick with us.

Intro: The great Mark Cuban once said business happens over years and years. Value is measured in the total upside of a business relationship, not by how much you squeezed out in any one deal.

And we couldn't agree more. This is the business development podcast based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and broadcasting to the world. You'll get expert business development, advice, tips, and experiences. And you'll hear interviews with business owners, CEOs. And business development reps. You'll get actionable advice on how to grow business brought to you by capital business development, capitalbd.ca let's do it. Welcome to the business development podcast and now your expert host, Kelly Kennedy.

Kelly Kennedy: Hello, welcome to episode 103 of the business development podcast. Man, we've had an absolutely amazing, amazing week. My gosh, I'm still just coming down a little bit. Just this morning we ranked number 30 in Canada temporarily for Canadian Entrepreneurship.

And then we held at number 44. This is the highest that we've ever been able to rank in Canada. We are absolutely ecstatic about it. And I just wanted to take a minute here and just thank all of our amazing listeners around the world for all of the amazing things you guys. You, this show would not grow without your consistent support.

And I just want you guys to know that I appreciate you and I recognize the time and effort that you guys have put into the Business Development podcast. And we couldn't have done it without your support. And so thank you so much. Thank you for sharing with your. friends, your family, your colleagues, and helping this show to grow at the rate that it's managed to grow here over the last year.

We had a couple just amazing days back to back with, with huge downloads and we couldn't be more thankful and we couldn't be more appreciative. So thank you so much. Whether it's the first time finding the business development podcast or whether you've been with us for 102 prior episodes, we appreciate you immensely.

I'm just going to apologize ahead of time here. fighting a little bit of a cold, but we are going to truck through because that is what we do best. Wanted to chat a little bit about community questions. So just a reminder to everybody, if you love this show and you're in business development or you're growing your business and you have questions you guys can leave us voicemails on the website.

At the business development podcast website, right hand side, you'll see a little button says, leave a voicemail, please. We want to hear community questions from you. We want to hear feedback from you. We want to hear from you. So please, if you haven't had a chance to leave us a message, we would absolutely love it.

And yes, I will do my best to listen to every single one of them. So please do swing by our website. Leave us a message, leave us a voicemail leave us. Some community questions. One of the other things that I would like you to leave for us is your success stories. I know so many of you have had amazing, amazing success stories with the information that you've gathered from the business development podcast over the previous year, and we would.

Absolutely love to hear them. If you have had success with any of the information that you have learned on the business development podcast, and you want to leave us a message, we would be, we would be honored. Please swing by our website, leave us a voicemail, let us know about the successes that you guys have had.

You can also just send us an email if you prefer that podcast@capitalbd.ca that's podcast@capitalbd.ca and if you send us an email that will be absolutely cool too and we will definitely utilize them and one final thing before we launch into today's show we have sponsorship advertising opportunities available for companies with The right fit.

So yes, we do vet all the companies that advertise with us. We want to make sure that they are a good fit for our audience and that they will be a value. But if you were interested in advertising with us, we would love to hear from you. Please do you reach out podcast at capital bd. ca and we can start that discussion.

All right. Thank you so much for sticking with us. We are heading into our first year. So for those of you who follow us on LinkedIn, you're going to see throughout the week we are dropping highlights for our amazing, amazing guests that we have had over the 2023 season into our very first year of the business development podcast.

We are dropping one a day with six highlighted guests with all of their episodes. And so if you want to just and find some guests that you think are cool and check out their episodes. You will be able to do that on the business development podcast, LinkedIn page. Feel free to swing by, give us a follow and check those out.

Okay, let's just head into it. We have had an absolute ton of requests specifically for tips for small business. There's lots of small business owners out there. Lots of people who may be of just. You know, they're trying to get going. And small business can be challenging. You're working with limited money, time, manpower.

And effective business development is absolutely critical to both early and long term success. of your business. We've been asked, like I said, multiple times to do a show on this, and today we are going to do just that. So, business development for small business must accomplish three things. It must be time efficient, It must be cost effective, and it must lead to long term relationship opportunities with repeat business.

As you can imagine, these three things are not necessarily that easy to accomplish. But, with some of the information and tips that we will leave you today, I think that it will set you up for success. I think that it will allow you to utilize the precious time that you have in a more effective way, and allow you to accomplish more.

With less, and that is my goal for today's episode. Most small business owners also perform business development activities and operational activities. They may only have between one and five employees to support them. And time management is absolutely critical. The following tips will help you manage this time effectively.

We have 10 tips today. I'm just going to get into it. And these tips will help you accomplish more with less time. So. For my business owners who are currently not utilizing a calendar, and yes, I mean a calendar, an email calendar, a phone calendar, something to track your time. Use of a calendar is absolutely crucial.

Meetings, work time, BD activities, you need to start scheduling time to do things. And I know this might seem a little bit silly, especially if you're a new business and you're just like, well, yeah, I know, I know how to schedule my time. Believe me, in the beginning, it can feel like you do, but over time, you're going to get busier and busier and busier.

And if you're not scheduling time for each task into your calendar, things will get missed. Meetings will get missed. Activities will get missed and you will fall behind. We live in a time, an amazing time where digital calendars are. Absolutely, probably the best that they have ever been. And they are, they're amazing.

And frankly, I live my entire day by scheduled time. And it may seem like, Oh, I don't want to live like that. But believe me, you will get to a point where you will be so thankful that this is the way that you are doing your life and your business, because it just allows you to be able to look down and say.

You know what? Today I have this, this, and this to do. I know what I need to do. I know what times they are. It's going to send me reminders and you are just going to get more and more efficient and effective with your scheduled time. So tip number one, use of a calendar is absolutely crucial. Start doing it immediately.

Number two. Top notch website and brochures are critical to help you build awareness. Whether you're a one person company or a thousand person company, your website is where people find you. It's where they learn things about you. And it is your 20 story skyscraper in 2024. And it is absolutely critical that you are spending a good amount of time making sure that your website accurately describes you, your organization, what it is you do, and that it leads your customers down a journey.

to have them reach out to you. So make sure that your website is laid out in such a way that it will be visually appealing, that it will reflect you and your corporation and your company well. Your visitors will be able to very much understand what it is you do, how your service will help them, and obviously lead them down a journey to hopefully reach out to you for next steps and to book those meetings.

So make sure that your website is working for you. Make sure that it is highly high visual appeal. And that it leads them where it needs to go. Also, make sure that you are making brochures. I know 2024, there's some people that say, Well, why do I need a brochure? Because building interest in your company still requires a brochure.

And it's a great option to be able to reach out to people digitally and just attach a brochure. Introduce yourself personally, attach a brochure, say, Hey, I've attached a brochure. If you want to learn a little bit more about me and my company and what we do. Feel free to check it out. These are amazing.

And we use them for soft introductions at capital business development all the time. And it's just a great way to introduce yourself and your company without being too overbearing. And we always love a physical thing, especially when we're going to real meetings. So being able to bring a physical brochure.

With a business card to a, to a physical meeting and be able to give something to each, each of the people you're meeting with is absolutely effective. It's absolutely critical, and it is still a principle that we use at Capital all the time. And I would highly, highly recommend that you, you build a physical brochure to go along with your amazing, amazing website.

Remember, these are things that you can outsource to you guys, and you should if you're not an expert in digital design and web design. You should outsource this work. Believe me, have a professional do it. Yeah, it may have a little bit of upfront costs, but it'll have a lot of long term benefit. And usually a website or brochure is good for a number of years.

So it's an investment that pays for itself in dividends over time. So make sure that we are hiring a professional to create our website. If you need to make sure that you're hiring a professional to do your brochures. If you are a rockstar and you're just really good with digital stuff, you can do amazing things on Canva.

Would highly, highly recommend that if you're not using Canva right now for your social posts for any type of brochure creation or, or cut sheet creation, that you you start to learn Canva. Canva is pretty awesome. We've been utilizing it a lot at Capital BD over the last two years and would highly, highly recommend it.

So feel free. You can do a lot of these things on there, especially when it comes to brochures. So feel free to check it out and see what you can do. Schedule at least one day a week for new business development. Okay. This one is absolutely critical. It is required. Give yourself, if you are a business owner or you're new in business development for an organization, and you're just getting started, you're a small business.

You need to make sure that you are dedicating at least. One day a week to new business development. This is, this is making connections on LinkedIn. This is digital introductions. This is phone calls. This is meeting scheduling. Make sure that you are giving yourself a day a week. And I can already hear you guys saying, Kelly, I don't have a day a week.

Trust me, you do. You do. You just need to schedule your time better. And so this is why I started with the calendar. Let's schedule our time and let's make sure that what we are doing is we are scheduling a day a week to do new business development tasks, to book meetings, to get in front of people, to do digital introductions, to add our hundred people a week on LinkedIn.

Start doing this. One day a week. I know it seems like a lot. I know you're a small business owner and you're like Kelly, I don't have the time. Find the time because If you do not find the time for new business development long term, this is a recipe for disaster. If you can get into the habit of dedicating a day a week to new business development for yourself, you are going to have a lot of new opportunity coming in all the time.

And so please make sure that you are scheduling one day a week for new business development. If you are a small business, a new business or you just need that extra support, believe me that day a week, it moves mountains. Number four, use of a CRM will make BD much easier to manage, right? We need to make sure that we're not just doing BD, but we're actually keeping track of all the work that we're doing, where we're at with various deals.

Do we have a whole bunch of companies that are right on the edge of meetings? We're doing a whole bunch of LinkedIn digital introductions to people. Are we tracking that? Are we making sure that their companies their contact information is put into some place where you can follow up on it later?

Okay. CRMs are absolutely critical in 2024 and beyond. They've been critical for years, in my opinion. And if you are not currently utilizing a CRM, there are many, many great CRM options available at the Business Development Podcast and CapitalBD. We use pipe drive. That's just what we actually use internally for CRMs.

I can attach a link to this website. If you guys want to use an affiliate link, we are affiliated with pipe drive, but that is a relatively new development. We haven't been for many years and I've been using pipe drive personally for over 10 years at this point. So I just love it. I love the product.

It's great. It does everything you need it to do and it does it cost effectively. Those are the two things that were critical to me at Capital. And if you are not currently using a CRM, would recommend PipeDrive. However, there are lots of other great CRMs. So don't feel like I'm roping you into this one.

Try, try a few out, see what you think, but CRMs are absolutely critical in 2024 and beyond for your business development efforts. Make sure that you are utilizing one and that you're utilizing it effectively. Number five, use a diverse team for a force multiplier. Hire for skills that you don't have. Okay.

You know, whatever your organization is, you as the owner, as the founder, you have a set of skills that, that you utilize to start the organization. And those skills are probably absolutely critical to the task, to the operation of the business itself. And that's Awesome, that's awesome. However, there is going to be a number of skills you may not have.

That might be social media management. That might be brochure creation. That might be, that might be business development. That actually might be just business development where you don't really want to do it. If you are hiring people, make sure that they are not carbon copies of yourself. Cause I see so many business owners do this.

They hire people that are carbon copies of their self thinking, well, if I can just replace myself or do this over and over again, we are going to get better and better and better. I'm going to be able to take on more and more business. But what ends up happening is, is that you're lacking in, in a diverse range of skills.

And it's a diverse range of skills that will help your organization grow over time. So make sure that, yeah, you might be looking for people. with a certain skill set, but always make sure that they have skill sets that can complement what you do as well to make sure that you are always adding, that you are always being able to take it a step further and complement the skill sets and add new diverse skills to your organization.

It will only benefit you long term. So when you are hiring people. Make sure that you're hiring for a diverse skill set. Don't necessarily just go for the carbon copies. Find people that have skills that you don't have that can compliment yourself and make your business better. Number six, get better at delegating.

And I'll be honest, I'm also not great at delegating. So I'm not, I'm, I'm in some levels preaching to the choir here a little bit, but delegating is absolutely critical. Being able to take a step back and give your employees tasks and say, look. I need you to do these while I go and do things that are also critical and important to the organization.

It will only benefit you over time. Being able to trust your employees, being able to give them more responsibility, and eventually getting to a point where you know that they can accomplish that and accomplish it well is only going to benefit you and your organization moving forward. You need your employees to be able to work at 110 percent all the time, and that is going to require you to take a step back and trust them to do it.

And while they may or may not do it as good. As you can do it, it doesn't really matter because you can't do 100 different tasks. Okay, so. Make sure that you are practicing delegation. I am equally practicing delegation and it is a practice. It is something that you need to work on that. You need to take a step back and relinquish the reins a little bit and just let them fly.

But I think you'll find that over time. The more that you were able to exercise this, the stronger that your employees are going to get and the more effective your organization is going to get. And at some point you are not going to be able to just do the day to day business as the business owner. You were going to have much more important tasks.

You were going to have the tasks of making new relationships, signing new big deals, meeting new people. Your job at some point is just going to be to shout your company from the rooftops. Represent it well and bring in new business. That is really what happens to most founders and CEOs over time. And so what you need in order to accomplish that, which is your most important task is for people to be able to do the day to day operation of your business.

And so delegation is absolutely critical and it is something that we need to work on as business owners, founders, whether you have a large business or a small business, being able to delegate, take a step back and let other people take the reins. Is only going to help your organization grow over time and it is going to allow you to do what you're going to need to do, which is grow your business number seven.

Stop wasting money you don't have on passive strategies. Okay, I'm the first to tell you passive strategies. If you were in business to business needs to be about 20%. Of your of your spend. Okay. The other 80 percent of your spend needs to be on active strategies. You may not know what I'm talking about.

Active strategies means direct phone calls, direct emails, getting in touch with real people, utilizing real people, starting a conversation, booking Face to face meetings, booking teams meetings, making real introductions and pitches on your product to real people. Passive strategies means using radio ads, LinkedIn ads, any type of ads, and yes, they are critical.

I'm not going to say that ads are a no go, that socials are a no go. You absolutely need them. But they need to be about 20%. Of your marketing spend, the other 80 percent of your marketing spend needs to be done on active marketing. This is just going to have the largest and greatest ROI for your organization.

And when you don't have much time as it is, you need to be spending the time that you do have on the most. Probable outcomes. The most probable outcomes are going to come from an active marketing strategy. So if right now you're spending most of your money on passive ads and waiting for the phone to ring, I want you to reverse this.

I want you to take that down to about 20 percent of your spend, and I want you to spend. At least at least an hour or two hours a day making direct connections, LinkedIn connections, phone calls, emails, make sure you're getting to the right people and ask for meetings. Meetings is where everything happens and we need to make sure that we are, we are utilizing most of our time trying to get in front of people where we can build real relationships that lead to repeat mutually beneficial business.

over time. Okay, this is going to happen with meetings and all business development is designed to get you in front of people who can buy your product over time, people who you can build relationships with over time that are going to be mutually beneficial to both you and the customer. And these are done.

In person. So, so make sure that we're spending about 80 percent of our advertising spend on active marketing strategies, about 20 percent on passive marketing strategies. Keep in mind, this is for business to business. If you're in business to customer B2C, reverse this probably about. 80 percent on passive marketing strategies and probably about 20 percent on active strategies.

But there's always a need for both. It's just what is the ratio? B2B, it's definitely 80 percent active, 20 percent passive. This is going to be a great, great ratio for you to be effective and and book more meetings over time. Number eight. Your phone is your best friend. I get it. 2024. We're a little afraid of phone calls.

I get it. I get it. I'm in business development. I've been making phone calls for 13 14 years at this point, like on a regular basis for multiple clients. I still struggle with phone calls sometimes. So I totally, totally understand. And so I'm not calling you guys out. What I'm suggesting here is that we need to get better at it.

We need to make our phone our friend because real phone calls lead to real meetings. They just do. They just do. And we need to get into a daily habit of making phone calls and asking for meetings. This is just, this is where it happens, guys. This is where it happens. And we are a small organization. We don't have time to be wasting.

Right? We just don't have time to be wasting. And so we need to make sure that every single activity that we are utilizing to grow our business is effective. And so I would highly, highly encourage you guys to get into a habit, you know, on these days that, that I said to schedule for business development, make sure that you're busting out 20, 30 phone calls that day.

I know it sounds like a lot, believe me, I know I get it, but trust me, 20 is very, very acomplishable and it will very, very likely lead you to a. face to face meeting, which depending on your closure ratio might lead you to an actual customer, which is what you need to be doing on behalf of your business. If you're sitting and waiting for your phone to ring because of your passive ad strategies, you're going to be waiting a long time because you got to get a customer on their worst day when they're actually looking for you.

Not to mention, they're going to come up with all of your competitors at that time. What you need to be doing is getting them ahead of the need with active marketing strategies. We get customers. Ahead of the problem ahead of the need. And so when they eventually inevitably have that problem or need, who are they going to remember?

They're going to remember you because you reached out to them. You booked a meeting, you introduced yourself, you introduced your company and you built trust with that customer. They're going to call you. Active marketing is absolutely critical. And phone calls are a pivotal, pivotal part of an active marketing process.

And so. On those days that I asked you to do business development, I want you guys to be crushing out like 20 calls. At least I want you to be sending 30 digital introductions from LinkedIn. And I want you to be constantly filling up your cup with people that you can reach out to and get into that weekly contacted stage after this as well.

You know, you can go back to previous shows. You guys can find, I have lots of shows on, on how to do the active marketing process, but we need to make sure that we're doing weekly follow ups. So for these customers that you're calling 20 a week, make sure that as you're disqualifying them, you're moving new ones in.

But you're also asking for meetings all the time. And trust me, you're going to book, you're going to book a lot of meetings and they are going to lead to business for you. And it's absolutely critical. And so your phone is your best friend. And one last thing I want to leave you with your phone. Okay. I get it.

Cold calls can be scary. Refining your pitch can be scary, but trust me. You will get better at it over time and after about five phone calls, you actually hit something called a cold call cadence and cold call cadence is really cool. It's like a runner's high after a little bit, after about five, six phone calls, you'll find that the next one gets easier and the next one gets easier and the next one gets easier and crushing out 20 calls is actually easier than crushing out five, which is absolutely bonkers, but it gets easier and easier and easier as you go.

And so you might find that you hit 20 and you're still rearing to go. You might do 30 You might do 40. You might just absolutely kill it that day. Trust me, just go for it. Get into a cold call cadence and you will find success. Number nine, use LinkedIn to its full potential. Okay. Many people are on LinkedIn.

They don't really understand how to use it. LinkedIn is probably one of the greatest tools that's been given to us in business development over the last 10 years. I really mean that I think it's probably second to the CRM, but that's about it. LinkedIn is amazing. And almost everybody that you want to connect with or that you want to do business with is on LinkedIn.

And so if we can utilize LinkedIn to its full effect, which is to connect with new people, introduce our company, get as much contact information on them as we can so that we can figure out what their contact details are and, and reach out to them directly, it is only going to make you more effective. You will need a premium LinkedIn account.

LinkedIn, if you don't have a premium account, it limits your searches. It limits the amount of people that you can actually search in a week. And this is bad. This is not a good thing. When you have a LinkedIn account, you are able to add 100 digital connections a week. Does that mean they're all going to add you back?

No, but what it allows you to do is figure out who is my target customer at, at, at a type of industry or at an organization, whether it be an operations manager or a CEO or a director, and it allows you to hop in and search, you know, CEOs in my area. Directors in my area, operations managers in my area.

And it just kicks you out this amazing list of people at, at various organizations. Sure. You got to find the right ones that meet your criteria and the demographic for your company, but you can add 100 of those people every week. And even if only 50 people. Except, you can then send them a digital introduction, you know?

Hi, I'm John, or Hi, I'm Jill from XYZ Company. It's a pleasure to connect with you. I've attached a brochure and I look forward to connecting with you in the future. Now, they're probably going to read your brochure, actually. It's, it's very likely that they will open and read your brochure. If you do a personal connection that's very short and sweet and introduces yourself as a person, it's going to give you more credibility.

And, now you can put them into your digital introduction stage on your CRM. Find their contact information, move them into weekly calls until you either disqualify them or book the meeting, but trust me, it's amazing. And LinkedIn is absolutely critical to your long term success in business development and in business.

And so if you're not currently using LinkedIn, you don't currently have a premium account. And keep in mind, you can just go with like the basic business account. This is what we use at capital. You don't need anything super fancy. You don't need sales navigator. You don't need any of this. You just need the basic business account that allows you to.

Add 100 new connections a week and search unlimited people. If you can do these things, it is all you're going to need to make the connections you need to do more business. So make sure that we're using LinkedIn effectively. Make sure that we're adding our 100 connections every single week, because if we do not add them, we lose them.

LinkedIn does not have a rollover policy where if you don't use a hundred one week, you get 200 the next week. No, if you don't use 100 connections by Sunday. You're back to only a hundred connections, which means if you want to use LinkedIn to its full potential, you absolutely need to be adding 100 connections every single week.

And I would encourage you to do this. And if you do this, you will always have a roster of people that you can connect with. And this is great for just connecting with people in your community. I use it to connect with local CEOs that I just want to chat with, or that I want to make introductions to, or just people that I find interesting.

But LinkedIn is an amazing, amazing place. And if you use it effectively, it will be. one of the, one of the best tools in your toolbox. And number 10, take responsibility for the growth of your business. This is a hard thing. I know this, I know this sounds obvious, but I think so many entrepreneurs and CEOs just put a bunch of stuff out into the ether and hope and wait, guys, stop doing this.

Stop it. Stop it. If you want your business to be successful, you need to stand up. Take the reigns and make it successful. And I know this is going to be kind of hard for some of you guys to hear because well, Kelly, you know, I have these passive marketing strategies and yeah, we get calls, right? It's going to happen.

Yeah, maybe, but do you really want to wait on a maybe, or do you want to take control of your future? Okay. You started a business. You started a business because you could do it better because you had a dream. You had an idea, make it happen, make it happen. If you're not getting enough business, take control, make some phone calls, right?

If you're not getting enough business, ask yourself, what could I be doing? What could I be doing right now? Should I maybe attend, you know a coffee with the chamber? Should I make 20 phone calls today? Should I add more people on LinkedIn? What could I be doing to grow my business? If this is the outlook that you take, you will be successful because you're not going to leave it to chance.

And I think as entrepreneurs, we can definitely get into this place where we're leaving it to chance, okay? I'd want you to do better than this. If you're a small business, you don't have time to waste. You don't have time to waste. You have a lot of competition out there. You got a lot of big players who are established, who are already get the clients and you're going to need to take them.

It's not going to be easy. It's going to take effort. It's going to take determination. It's going to take persistence and it's going to take consistency. Take control of your future. Pick up the phone, make the phone calls, introduce yourself, introduce your company, book meetings and do more business. This will make you successful over time.

Sitting and waiting is not going to help you. Take control. Take responsibility for the growth of your business. And I have one more bonus tip before we close today's episode. Use a notepad daily and track your top 10 things to do today. Calls and digital introductions. I have a daily notepad. That I bring with me literally everywhere, and yes, it's old school.

Yes, it's a pen and paper. And yes, it's extremely, extremely effective. I always write the top 10 things I need to do today. I write the client that I'm working for at the top of the page for the day. I make sure that Any of my BD meeting notes are taken, that I'm tracking all my calls that I made for that day, that I'm tracking all my digital introductions, and I use this sheet to upload all my information into a CRM at the end of the week.

It is super, super effective, and if you are not currently using a notepad and writing, at bare minimum, the top things you need to do today, you can change that tomorrow. Add a daily notepad to your day to day, bring it with you to meetings, bring it with you to anywhere you go, right? Like great ideas come at the strangest times.

So having a notepad with you at all times is really, really effective. And so I either have a padfolio or a notepad by me literally 24 seven all day. every day forever. And I've been doing this and it's been part of the way that I've done business. Like I said, at the whole time that I've done capital, the whole time I've done business development.

And I would highly, highly, highly recommend that you keep a notepad and that you are tracking the top five, top 10 things that you guys are doing every single day. It's really great as well from a reward standpoint to be able to check things off as you complete them. And so, like I said, I track, you know, things to do today is my phone calls, whatever, however many that is my digital introductions, however many that is.

All the meetings that I have, anything else that I have to do, any meetings I have to book, it's always noted out. Things I have to do today, always noted out. And it is really, really effective. And so if you're not doing it, just try it. Just try it for a week. I want you to get a notepad. I want you to start each day by writing top things to do today.

Write down five, start with five and just see, just see how it changes your life. But mark my words, being able to write the top things to do today will make you more effective over time. Amazing, that brings us to the end of today's episode. Business development tips for small business. Shoutouts this week.

Ricco-Karol Klemmer, Sachin CS, Alagan Sathianathan, Cliff Turner, Conrad Leger, Alexander Heise, Steven Knight, Lucas Benjamin Schmidt, Grace Blackstone, Mike D. Woodford, Guillaume Robillard, Sol Leshem, Abi Mccann, David Sobeus, Jack Shafer, Craig Panek, Tyler Rebkowich, Shawn Sooley, Aaron Haberman, Keith Matthew, Gene Lublinkhoff and Al Gensitskiy.

Thank you so much for your support of the business development podcast. We appreciate each and every one of you. Next week is our one year anniversary. So stay tuned for a, for a really exciting episode. I'm really, really pumped. I'll be recording that on our one year anniversary. So that will be the one that I will give our highlights for the year and thank yous, and I can't wait for it guys until next time. This has been the business development podcast. We appreciate. Each and every one of you. Thank you for your support. We will catch you on the flip side.

Outro: This has been the business development podcast with Kelly Kennedy. Kelly has 15 years in sales and business development experience within the Alberta oil and gas industry and founded his own business development firm in 2020.

His passion and his specialization is in customer relationship generation. And business development. The show is brought to you by Capital Business Development, your Business Development Specialists. For more, we invite you to the website @ www.capitalbd.ca. See you next time on the Business Development Podcast.


June 7, 2023

Unleash the Power of Business Development for your Business

In episode 35 of the Business Development Podcast, host Kelly Kennedy discusses the importance of business development for all companies looking to grow and compete effectively. He emphasizes the need to create brand awareness through active marketing strategies rather than relying solely on passiv…

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June 14, 2023

10 Early Lessons for Thriving in Business Development

Welcome to episode 37 of the Business Development Podcast! This episode takes us back to the beginning, as we discuss the 10 early lessons for thriving in business development. Whether you're new to marketing your own busines...

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July 26, 2023

Turning Setbacks into Comebacks

In episode 49 of the Business Development Podcast, host Kelly Kennedy reflects on the growth and impact of the show, expressing gratitude to the listeners and followers who have supported him along the way. He acknowledges the challenges and bad da...

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Aug. 16, 2023

A Love Letter to Business Development

In Episode 55 of the Business Development Podcast, host Kelly Kennedy takes a moment to express his gratitude for the opportunities that led him to his current role in business development. Reflecting on his experiences in sales, Kelly emphasizes t...

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Aug. 20, 2023

The Art of Balancing Business Development and Account Management

In episode 56 of The Business Development Podcast, host Kelly Kennedy addresses the importance of separating account management and business development. Kennedy recounts their personal experience of juggling multiple roles before realizing the nee...

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Aug. 23, 2023

The Truth About Business Development at Conferences

Episode 57 of the Business Development Podcast explores the effectiveness of exhibiting at conferences as a marketing strategy. The host, Kelly Kennedy, emphasizes that attending conferences and setting up booths is not an active marketing approach...

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Sept. 20, 2023

8 Steps to Active Marketing Success

In Episode 65 of The Business Development Podcast, host Kelly Kennedy emphasizes the importance of active marketing over passive marketing for businesses. He emphasizes the need for businesses to engage in active marketing strategies, such as socia...

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Nov. 1, 2023

The Power of Feedback

In episode 77 of The Business Development Podcast, host Kelly Kennedy emphasizes the importance of open dialogue and feedback in business. He shares his personal experiences and acknowledges that he has not always been good at receiving critical fe...

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Nov. 8, 2023

Business Development in Recession

In Episode 79 of The Business Development Podcast, host Kelly Kennedy discusses the importance of business development during a recession. Kennedy emphasizes the need to be open to having conversations, seeking new opportunities, and doubling down ...

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Feb. 14, 2024

10 Tips for Hiring a Rockstar Business Development Specialist

In this episode of the Business Development Podcast hosted by Kelly Kennedy, the focus is on delineating the essential attributes to seek in Business Development Representatives during the hiring process. Through a comprehensive breakdown of 10 key...

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April 14, 2024

Pioneering Environmental Excellence in the Corporate World with Ross …

In Episode 124 of the Business Development Podcast, Ross Huartt, the CEO of MBC Group and the Founder & Chairman of EcoClaim, shares profound insights into pioneering environmental excellence within the insurance and construction sectors. Huartt's ...

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April 17, 2024

Five Words That Will Change Your Life

In a milestone episode 125 of the Business Development Podcast, Kelly Kennedy delves into the transformative power of five simple yet profound words that can significantly impact one's business journey: "What are the next steps?" Through insightful...

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May 29, 2024

Master Time Management: Use Your Calendar to Stop Stealing from Yours…

In Episode 137 of the Business Development Podcast, Kelly Kennedy underscores the critical role of effective calendar management in the entrepreneurial realm. By emphasizing the value of time and the strategic use of calendars to boost productivity...

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June 5, 2024

Imposter Syndrome: The Badge of Exceptional Performers

In episode 139 of the Business Development Podcast hosted by Kelly Kennedy, listeners are taken on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment in the face of Imposter Syndrome. Kelly shares his personal experiences of launching the show and battlin...

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June 12, 2024

Unshakable Confidence: Unlocking Success Through Self-Belief

In Episode 141 of The Business Development Podcast hosted by Kelly Kennedy, the focus is on the crucial role of beliefs and confidence in achieving success in both professional and personal endeavors. Kelly emphasizes the non-negotiable nature of c...

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June 19, 2024

The Blueprint for Active Marketing: 4 Steps to Elevate Your Strategy

In Episode 143 of the Business Development Podcast, host Kelly Kennedy delves into the four fundamental steps of the active marketing process. The episode kicks off with an exciting announcement about the revamped Capital Business Development websi...

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June 23, 2024

Light Up Your Life: Joy with Jillian Schecher

In this episode of The Business Development Podcast, host Kelly Kennedy is joined by joy expert Jillian Schecher to discuss the importance of finding joy amidst the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurship. Jillian emphasizes the need for entrepreneur...

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July 7, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to a People-First Workplace with Liz Ryan

Episode 148 of The Business Development Podcast features an insightful discussion with Liz Ryan, a renowned expert on workplace culture and human resources. In this episode, Liz delves into the concept of a people-first workplace, emphasizing the i...

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July 14, 2024

Unlock Your Business Potential: Align with Passion and Purpose Ft. La…

In the milestone Episode 150 of The Business Development Podcast, host Kelly Kennedy welcomes expert guest Lasse Joergensen, a transformative life and business coach. Together, they delve into the crucial topic of aligning business endeavors with p...

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July 31, 2024

Mastering AI in Business Development: Strategies for Sustainable Succ…

In Episode 155 of The Business Development Podcast, host Kelly Kennedy explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on business development strategies, focusing on how AI can enhance but not replace huma...

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Aug. 14, 2024

What I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Podcast: 10 Hard-Learned Lessons…

In Episode 159 of The Business Development Podcast, Kelly Kennedy shares ten valuable lessons from his podcasting journey, emphasizing the need for a clear vision and consistent authenticity. He reflects on the various challe...

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Aug. 18, 2024

Speak Like a Pro: Insider Tips from Former CTV News Anchor Carmen Lei…

In episode 160 of The Business Development Podcast, host Kelly Kennedy engages in an insightful discussion with former CTV News Anchor Carmen Leibel, who shares her expertise on effective public speaking and her journey into ...

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Aug. 28, 2024

Passion, Determination, and Accountability: The Success Formula for B…

In Episode 163 of The Business Development Podcast, Kelly Kennedy delves into the essential components that drive success both in business and in life: passion, determination, and self-accountability. He explores how these th...

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Sept. 4, 2024

The Power of Positivity: How to Bounce Back Stronger from Setbacks

Episode 165 of The Business Development Podcast centers on the transformative power of positivity and resilience in the face of adversity. Host Kelly Kennedy emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive outlook, even a...

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Sept. 11, 2024

10 Game-Changing Cold Call Principles to Boost Your Success

Episode 167 of The Business Development Podcast dives deep into the art and science of cold calling, offering listeners ten game-changing principles to elevate their approach and effectiveness. Host Kelly Kennedy begins by ad...

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Oct. 16, 2024

Burnout: How to Recognize, Prevent, and Bounce Back Stronger

In Episode 177 of The Business Development Podcast, Kelly takes a deep dive into the realities of burnout, a common but often overlooked challenge among high-performing individuals. He explores the different types of burnout—...

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Dec. 11, 2024

3 Questions to Discover Your Why and Change Everything

In Episode 193 of The Business Development Podcast , Kelly Kennedy dives deep into the transformative power of understanding your "why." He shares how having a strong purpose can fuel resilience, drive motivation, and help ov...

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Dec. 15, 2024

From 300 Pounds to $419 Million: How Mike Fata Built Success Through …

In this inspiring episode of The Business Development Podcast , host Kelly Kennedy sits down with Mike Fata, a visionary entrepreneur and bestselling author, to explore his incredible journey from personal health struggles to...

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Dec. 18, 2024

Why Great Plans Rarely Go to Plan and Lead to Greater Success

In Episode 195 of The Business Development Podcast , Kelly Kennedy explores the power of planning and why flexibility is just as critical as having a plan. He shares his yearly ritual of mapping out show topics, personal goal...

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Jan. 1, 2025

What is Business Development: 2025 Redux

In this episode of The Business Development Podcast , host Kelly Kennedy celebrates the show’s 199th episode, coinciding with the dawn of 2025. Kennedy reflects on the remarkable journey of reaching the 200-episode milestone,...

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Jan. 12, 2025

How to Stop Guessing and Start Winning in Business with Brad Warren

In this episode of The Business Development Podcast , Brad Warren returns to break down the no-nonsense approach every entrepreneur needs to run a profitable business. Known for his operational expertise and relentless focus ...

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Jan. 19, 2025

Secrets to Sales and Personal Branding Success with Marcus Chan

In Episode 204 of The Business Development Podcast, host Kelly Kennedy welcomes sales expert Marcus Chan for an engaging conversation about sales and personal branding in 2025 and beyond. Marcus, a renowned figure in the B2B ...

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Jan. 22, 2025

Master Personal Branding: 8 Powerful Lessons on Authenticity, Influen…

In this episode of The Business Development Podcast , we’re diving into one of the most important tools for your success in 2025 and beyond: personal branding. I’m here to show you why building your personal brand isn’t just ...

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Feb. 5, 2025

Fear Kills Growth: Playing It Safe is the Fastest Way to Lose

It's the two-year anniversary of The Business Development Podcast, and in true Kelly Kennedy fashion, this episode is all about pushing forward when others pull back. With tariffs looming and recession fears on the rise, many...

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Feb. 12, 2025

$1,000 an Hour Mindset: How to Balance Business Development & Daily O…

Solopreneurs and small business owners are the backbone of the economy, but balancing business development with daily operations can feel overwhelming. In this episode, Kelly Kennedy shares a powerful five-step framework to h...

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March 4, 2025

Master These 5 BD Skills to Succeed No Matter What 2025 Brings

In Episode 217 of The Business Development Podcast, Kelly Kennedy breaks down the five critical business development skills you must master to succeed in 2025 and beyond. With the business landscape evolving rapidly—new techn...

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