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April 16, 2023

Find Your Passion with Lasse Joergensen

Find Your Passion with Lasse Joergensen
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The Business Development Podcast

In this episode Kelly interviews Lasse Joergensen of All IN Productions, about what it was like to start a Professional Video Production Company in Edmonton, Alberta Canada.


Lasse specialises in Corporate Video Production and has worked in the Fashion Industry, Music Production, Marketing and even Psychotherapy.


Lasse moved to Canada in 2017 from Copenhagen, Denmark and started All In Productions in 2019 at the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic.


Key Takeaways:

  • Clarity, Passion and Love for what you do will get you up in the morning
  • Website Introduction Videos are becoming critical
  • Be willing to learn & walk into the unknown
  • Utilize flow and learn when to step back & take self care

Find Your Passion with Lasse Joergensen

Kelly Kennedy: Welcome to episode 20 of the Business Development Podcast. On today's episode, we have Lasse Joergensen from All IN Productions. I'm really excited about today's episode cuz if you've ever had questions about video production today, we are going to answer some and what type of video you may need for your company.

Stay tuned.

Intro: The great Mark Cuban once said, business happens over years and years. Value is measured in the total upside of a business relationship, not by how much you squeezed out in any one deal, and we couldn't agree more. This is the Business Development podcast based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and broadcasting to the world.

You'll get expert business development advice, tips, and experiences, and you'll hear interviews with business owners, CEOs, and business development reps. You'll get actionable advice on how to grow business, brought to you by Capital Business Development, capitalbd.ca. Let's do it.

Welcome to the Business Development Podcast, and now your expert host Kelly Kennedy.

Kelly Kennedy: Hello. Welcome to the Business Development Podcast. We have made it, we are on episode 20. This is a bit of a milestone for me. I'm really, really happy today to have Lasse Joergensen on from All IN Productions. It's a really exciting interview that I've been waiting on for a while because video isn't something that we have touched on too much.

So it's something that I really, really did wanna get started on, let's say is the founder and owner of All IN Productions in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He holds a bachelor's degree in social work, a marketing degree is an educated psychotherapist. He's worked in music production, fashion industry, mindfulness instruction, and now video production, let's say, has moved to Canada in 2017 from Copenhagen, Denmark, and started the video production company All IN Productions in 2019 to follow his deepest passion, Lasse .

How are you today?

Lasse Joergensen: I'm very good, Kelly. Thanks so much. And yeah, that, that's a lot of titles. It's kind of kinda like, what, what one person like, is that really? Wow. Okay.

Kelly Kennedy: You know what's hilarious? I, I introduced like, man, at this point we've gotta be at, I think sixth, you're our sixth interviewee I think at this point.

Mm-hmm. And I never stop being impressed by reading your guys' titles. Like, it's like, holy crap. I got a little ways to go cuz I, you know, I see somebody like you who has such a background. It's like, oh man. Like it's unbelievable sometimes in this modern day and age, how many things people do before they kind of end up at the thing they're doing now, you know?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. It, it's true. I think one thing leads to another, and I think that's the beauty of life that it's just keeps unfolding.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah, absolutely. Like how can, do you wanna run us through it? Like how did you go from psychotherapy and marketing and music production all the way, like, I get that it's like stepping stones, but how did you end up in video production?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah, so I've always been very creative. I've always been into photography and also videography in my whole life, I would say. I started as an entrepreneur I think when I was five years old. I wanted to Selling old newspapers from my neighbors. I didn't realize that they all wanted new, new, new news newspapers every day.

So, but I got the idea that, oh, I can make money here. I can go to the neighbors and ask for money and selling old newspapers. But I actually actually got some money for, from one of the neighbors. He feels kind of sorry for me, I think, but that's kind of like where my entrepreneurship started.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah.

Yeah. Absolutely. It's so funny cuz even, even like, I swear like with all the people we talked to, most people, like my last interviewee, Colin Christensen same thing. He ended like a small landscaping business when he was a kid, like 10 years old. And yeah. Like became a serial entrepreneur. It's like, you see it, it's almost like you're born, you're born with that entrepreneurial gene, aren't you?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. That, that's, that's for sure. I I, I started off I think I really started off my journey when I was around 18. I, I I was really much into fashion. So I saw that some of the bigger brands you know, hookah, Dolce & Gabbana et cetera, they, they would just be printing their t-shirts, like 50,000, 100,000 t-shirt and, and sell 'em for high price.

And I thought like, that's not right. Like, what about customizing it? Like, what about making every t-shirt unique? So I I basically started my own t-shirt company and and, and started writing some provoking statements on t-shirts and started selling 'em on ebay and it, it basically went nuts.

Like, I like the post office lady. Where I lived, that was when I was living with my parents in Denmark. You know, she was just like shaking her head every time I would come, like, you know, with 25 shipments every day. And yeah, that's, I think that's really, that's really when I, I saw the opportunity to be creative, have fun, and and, and then do business.

And yeah, I did that for a, a few years and it was a great success.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah, that's, you know, that's really cool. That's really cool. Well may I ask why you stopped doing it?

Lasse Joergensen: I think it was just kind of like I don't know. I think it is definitely a pattern looking back in my life that I've been doing some things for a few years.

I'm very excited about it, and then it's just kind of organically turns into something else. So at that time I, you know, I basically, I went to Australia and spent a lot of the money there for four months. And when I got home I I did a marketing diploma. Yeah. And and that's where I got a job in the fashion industry in Copenhagen.

So I moved to Copenhagen and and yeah, I think that that kind of positioned me in a, in a different way. They saw the what I've been, been done in the, in the past with the t-shirts and yeah, I got a position there. And yeah.

Kelly Kennedy: Psychotherapy? This one's the one that when I looked at, I'm like, okay, how did you, how did you end up in psychotherapy?

That is an interesting avenue.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. I think I'm always been interesting, like when talking to, to people, friends, you know, I, I was always been most interested in what happens underneath the surface. So I've always been drawn to life, death. Why are we here? What's, what's this universe made of?

Who am I? Or in other words, what am I, I think that I'm always been drawn to that. So I, I think that's kind of drew me into. Wanting to educate myself professionally and getting to know more about myself but also of, of course, healing some of my, my own challenges and, and dealing with my feelings, emotions, being better doing that.

So that was a, a four year education psychotherapy, hands-on group therapy sessions. Wow. It was a really beautiful time and I, I learned so much throughout that time.

Kelly Kennedy: That's really amazing Lasse. Yeah, like. I just, I think it's just amazing the amount of things that you've done. I find you, especially like I've met you as a person.

We've actually met before this, we've, we've kind of had conversations, introductions, definitely thought there could be potentially some synergies with him and, and capital business development at some point. I think there is, I think at some point we definitely will be bringing you on to do some video for us, when that makes sense.

But I know. My impression of you, the first time we met was that you were a very well put together person. You had a lot going on. You cared deeply about video production. You cared deeply about your career and and your business, and I definitely got that right off the bat. You're a very likable person too, by the way.

If you haven't had a chance to meet Lasse, he's just got. He's incredibly magnetic. He's a magnetic human being. And you just glow, man. You really do. I mean, not in the best possible way.

Lasse Joergensen: Thank you so much, Kelly. And I think that's basically also why I, I really like you because you, I, I see in a way, I see myself in you.

You are also very likable, high energy, very compassionate, and yeah, I'm, I'm really been listening to a lot of your, your podcasts and, and just like having a, a good friend in a,

Kelly Kennedy: in a pocket. That's awesome, man. Well, I really appreciate that anyone's listening to the podcast because it's so funny.

You just start it and you, you don't even know what to expect. That's the weird thing about anything you start like this is you're just like, well, let's try this and see what happens. The next thing you know, you're getting feedback that's like, Hey, your show's pretty great. Like, we're really enjoying this.

And it's gotten to the point now where we're getting, you know, like reviews messages. Like, I'm getting probably like five to 10 LinkedIn messages a week at this point. Just people saying they love the show and it's just such a cool, it's such a cool place to be and such a neat thing to do. But yeah, I just kinda wanna move us kind of forward into all in productions.

Can you tell my listeners about all in productions, what kind of productions you guys do, what you specialize in, stuff like that. Just and, and how you got into that specifically.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. So so I moved to Canada in 20 17 initially because of relationship and all the, the, the skills and tools that I've developed all you know, like being a, you know, a bachelor, bachelor of social work and also educated psychotherapist.

I couldn't, I couldn't use it here. Hmm. So I, I, I spent some months off just really kind of being open to what's next and I was out filming at, at some point, and when I was out filming. I, I was just having a lot of fun and I, and I said out loud to the people that I was filming, like, wow, I'm having so much fun.

I would love to do this every day. Mm-hmm. And, and when I said that, there was just kind of like this bell ringing throughout my whole body saying, you got it man. This is it. Yeah. This is your calling.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. When you know, you know? Right. It's so funny cuz I actually feel the same thing with business development.

I always like to kind of joke that you never go to school for business development, right? Like one day business development just kind of jumps up and chooses you. You don't choose business development. Business development chooses you. And, and when I fell into business development, I felt the same way. I was like, holy crap.

Like this is a job you can just like, make introductions to people, build relationships and that's a job. People will pay you for that. And it was just, it was, yeah, light bulb came off in my head cuz it's like I was born to build relationships. I was literally born to do this. And it's, it's really cool when you find something that you're really passionate about.

And I know that there's a lot of people out there is, you know, even listening right now that are not passionate about the work they do. And all I can say is you need to find your passion. If you're not passionate about what you're doing, you gotta find something that you are passionate about. Cause it's pretty bloody hard to get up and do work every day for something that you're not invested in emotionally or, or as a person.

Lasse Joergensen: I totally agree. I totally agree. And that, I think that's the same for me with, with video production. For me it's kind of like it's kind of the same feeling that when I was a child I, I, I was to play video games and I was just so excited. I couldn't, not just, I couldn't wait. I, I wait, I, I just, I just wanna go back to the video games and, and be creative and have fun and, and that's, that's kind of the, that's the base of, of, of my company is basically it's all about having, having fun and enjoying what I do.

Yeah, that's, that's so important because that, that clarity or that that passion, that love will get you up in the morning when you feel that you're not good enough or you feel challenged or you are you know, all these challenges that, that life brings. They, they don't really matter. When I'm clear in what I'm doing mm-hmm.

When I have the clarity, then it doesn't matter. I'm kind of like unstoppable.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. I totally, I totally understand that because as a business owner and entrepreneur, we have so many problems. There's so many things that pop up, right? Yeah. If you aren't clear about, about why you're doing what you're doing, if you're not clear about where you want to go or what you're hoping for, you can get lost in the mess.

You can get lost in the mess, but totally being, being passionate about what you do and kind of knowing, okay, like I want to build to this situation, or I'm, I'm aiming at these goals, having goals and, and, and an idea of where you want to go and then a passion for what you're doing can carry you through the spots that would, that would really up upheave your life.

If that wasn't your outlook or if that wasn't your passion.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. And I think for many people it can, it can easily be become a, a compensation for life. Like, you know, trying to find meaning and achieving a lot of things through business because they lack that within themselves. But the thing is, what if tomorrow someone will, you know, if, if tomorrow your business is not gonna work or you, you, you are gonna be one big failure in business, then you're gonna be stuck with what was originally there that, you know, lack of meaning or lack of passion in life.

So I think it's, for me, I, I found that that, for me it's just all about finding meaning and clarity within first and then second do business.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah, no, for sure. That, that makes a lot of sense. And I can definitely tell that's what you did just considering your, your choice of career.

Your choice of business is definitely Oh, totally. It's definitely something that you do because you love it. There's no question. There's no question.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. And, and, and, yeah. And back to you. I don't know. Yeah, I, I probably didn't answer your question, but all in productions we make high quality videos for businesses organizations, corporations.

We specialize in telling the story, making it personal creative, unique. So it's really all about people and telling the story and doing that well and making. You know, high quality cinematic videos that people adore love and something that is really engaging. So that is, that is what we, we specialize in.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. Yeah. And I've definitely seen some of your videos. I've, I've been on your website. I've seen your LinkedIn videos let's say it is, got lots of LinkedIn videos. He did he did one for the Edmonton Chamber not that long ago. They do they do a Coffee with the Chamber event and he did the video for it.

And let's say your videos are amazing. They're really well done. I would say some of the best, some of the best corporate videos that I've seen. So congratulations. You're killing it. Oh, thank you so much. They're really great. Thank you so much, Kelly, and appreciate it. So I wanted to get into, I like to talk about what it was like to found your business because I think a lot of our listeners.

Are on the fence Lasse. They, they have great ideas, but they're just afraid to take that leap. And me and you both incorporated at horrible times, by the way. Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. I I incorporated it in December of 2020. And let's say you were in 2019, what month?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah, just, just like early 2020 basically.

Kelly Kennedy: Okay. So you're, you're right there with me.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. Yeah. And then COVID hit and you just sitting at home and, and just like, well, what's next?

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. Yeah. It was, it was an interesting time, especially from a business development standpoint, because at that time, nobody, you couldn't really meet with anybody.

And like, I'm, I'm such an advocate of active marketing. I love to physically meet with people. I love to talk to people on the phone. I like to make real connections. Right? And then the whole world was kinda like delved into, well, we're just gonna do Zoom now. But then it wasn't just that, it wasn't, that wasn't the only thing that hammered us, because that alone could have been dealt with.

But the economic downturn that came with covid and the complete uncertainty meant a lot of people weren't even willing to have the meetings, even if they were just a crappy Zoom meeting. And so, yeah. Yeah, like kind of double edged sword. It was definitely a challenge. And at the time I was marketing for for local Edmonton company, and I remember just kind of feeling like crap.

Like, what are we supposed to do here? Like, I, it, it became almost impossible. So it was a challenging time. And I guess I wanted to ask you, what were some of the challenges that you faced getting your business off the ground? And maybe what were some of the approaches that you took to, to overcome them?

Lasse Joergensen: I think it's, it's all about being willing to learn, first of all, and also just you know, walking in, in the unknown.

That's the first step. Just, just acknowledging that I don't know exactly where I'm going, but I know I'm going somewhere and, and to do the best that I can. I think that that really kept me going every day. But in my industry, I see myself as I, I, I need to be more creative. I need to be step even further out of my comfort zone than any of my clients.

I need to be in the front lead. Otherwise I cannot sell that mindset or that video vision to any clients. So I realized, I, I need to open all my doors. I need to, I need to go networking. I need to do email campaigns. I need to do LinkedIn. I need to do my own social media videos. I, I thought that, why should I do that?

But of course, I need to do it. I need to show my face out there. I need to put my blooper, make a bloopers video and put it on, on social media as well. So looking back now, I can just see that, that I was in a comfort zone. And now I see it works when stepping out of it, and the only real enemy in my life is myself.

Mm-hmm. It's only my own judgment and only my own thoughts that is stopping me. So I think that was that was really what, what got me through first of all.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. No, and I, and I just want to hit on that, on what you said about, about yourself being your biggest critic. The one thing in your way. I totally relate to that, and I think so many people do.

Like, the reality is, is that most of the time it's our own fears that are holding us back. It's not other people, it's our own internal fears of failure, our own internal fears of, of what will people think or, or what happens if it doesn't work. But those what ifs are just things that are in your way. The irony is, is that if you.

Push them to the side and just try to do the things that are scaring you. Most of the time, what you'll realize is that they're not as scary as you thought they were, and they might even, they might not even be hurdles at all when you finally get into it. It's so true. It's so true.

Lasse Joergensen: It, it's just so ingrained in our nervous system and it feels so real and we think that everyone is seeing this and feeling this, but it's, no, it's actually only my nervous system.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah, totally. And it, and it's funny cuz it's like you even have, you even have a background in psychotherapy. Like you understand how the mind works, but. You still face those same challenge, like even just knowing how it works isn't enough. It's like you're still fighting that internal humanness, right?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah, yeah. No, but I, I even, I even, that's, even, I, I, I had the same projection and, and, and ideas as well that okay, after four years of starting psychotherapy, no more anxiety, I'll just be a happy person. And like, but it's just an illusion. Yeah. Like it's, it is, it's one big illusion. Life is like a washing machine.

It will keep on going with cycles after cycle, after cycle. And the, the, the further we can get in the middle, the, the easier it gets, basically when we just be quiet in the midst of all of it.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. Like I, I never struggled with anxiety, let's say, until about a couple years ago, and then Yeah, like it would come on and go and, and it, like, at first I didn't even know what the heck I was dealing with because I'd never really experienced it before.

But it's like over time I, you know, I would get anxious between like high level meetings or things like that. Where, where, you know, what it comes down to is I like to, I like to succeed and if there's ever a situation where I start to feel like, oh man, like this is gonna be a bit of a scary situation or something like that, your brain just goes into these like loops of like all the bad things that could happen.

Right. Even though like none of those things are gonna happen. It's just, it's so funny. I've had to like kind of learn to overcome fear and anxiety and, you know, I talk about it in this podcast quite a bit because I'm a business development person. I've had probably a thousand plus meetings in my life, if not more, and.

I still get anxious guys. I still get anxious. I still have days where I go into a meeting where I'm like, oh crap. Like I'm just not feeling this today. And I guess the, the takeaway that I can give from that is I still go to the meeting and usually what I find is that if I just kind of have a cup of water, I maybe I cut back on the coffee that morning where I know that I'm gonna have a high level meeting.

And if I can just get through the first two minutes, I start to realize, oh, okay, I had nothing to worry about. But it's like, the secret is you need to just try to go anyway. And I think what you'll find is, is that after a couple minutes in that meeting or in that thing that you're afraid of, whether that be a public speech or whatever it is, you're afraid of, after a couple minutes, you'll feel much better.

It's just your body's anxiety response and we don't necessarily control it.

Lasse Joergensen: It's so true. I think that's really the best advice that I could also even give myself when I was younger. So it's kinda like, oh no, I'm too nervous. I should probably not do it. Da da. This is like, just go, like, what's the worst thing that can happen?

What is the worst thing that can happen? It's really asking yourself and you know, no one is gonna shoot you, no one's gonna kill you. So just go.

Yeah. Yeah. And, and, but it's, it, but it's, it's just you know, our egos responds to protect itself from stepping outside of the comfort zone and, and experiencing and feeling uncomfortable feelings.

That's basically what anxiety is doing. So it's just trying of to protect itself in that way. So in that way, it's just trying to help, but it's just very it's not the best tool, so to speak.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah, we're not having to run from a sabertooth cat anymore, just just maybe an angry business person. Oh, totally.

Yeah. Totally. You know, obviously let's get into maybe some of the tactics that you're utilizing today to grow your business. Because like I, I, you know, I see your LinkedIn stuff, I see your video posts. I'm a huge advocate for what I like to call passive marketing, which is kind of what I would call what you're doing with regards to the LinkedIn post, that kind of digital background.

But I am also a huge advocate for, that's a passive strategy, and you typically want to also incorporate an active strategy, which would be to actually follow up with these people to have a C R M program where you're kind of doing digital introductions, but then you're moving them into a phone call, email stage, and then getting in front of them for a meeting.

What can you say to, to business development podcast listeners with regards to like your marketing strategy? I know you kind of use a little bit of both, so can you maybe explain the, the tactics that you are using?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. I think first of all, it's very it's very essential to build a foundation. And by building a foundation, it's basically building a home on the platforms that you're on.

So I'm on LinkedIn, Instagram also using Facebook a little bit. And of course your website, because when people, if you're gonna reach out to people on LinkedIn or email campaigns, the first thing they're gonna do is just to, oh, let's go to his LinkedIn profile. Mm-hmm. Oh, let's go to his website.

Do you see great work? Do you see something personal? Do you see something genuine? It really reflects who you are. So, I, I would say it's so important to, to build those platforms, first of all, because people, that's the first thing that people are gonna look at.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. It's so cool that you touched on that cuz literally my last episode I was talking about how your LinkedIn profile is your, your personal skyscraper.

It's like in the modern day. It's, it's who you are and, and how you present yourself on LinkedIn is so critical to how, how people are gonna perceive you.

Lasse Joergensen: I so agree. And, and by the way, I was listened to it while I was in the gym. I heard, I heard it already.

Kelly Kennedy: So it wasn't an accident.

Lasse Joergensen: So it No, no, it was, it was great.

Yeah, it was a great podcast. And, and, and I, I, it's just like the value that you bring Kelly is just amazing because I, I knew most of the stuff, but, but I'm just thinking for, for anyone else who doesn't know, it's just like that's you know, that's a $2,000 book, right?

Kelly Kennedy: Well, thank you. Thank you.

Free, free on the podcast, free, ladies and gentlemen. It's free. Yeah, no, it's, it's so funny, right? It's like people don't recognize how critical these things are. Like, you know, I talked to businesses and I'm trying to explain to them that like, okay, you know, in the eighties, a hundred percent it was your, it was your skyscraper, it was your 30 story skyscraper.

That was your mark to the world of we're awesome. Yeah. But in the modern day, you're being judged on your website. But the funny thing, You can build an absolutely beautiful website for $5,000. You can build an amazing website. You can probably even, you know, tack another five or six K on there and add some video production and build just an absolutely stunning website.

And it's not gonna cost you the cost of a skyscraper, but you can compete with those companies by having a website that's beautiful. That, that, that really is just unbelievable because that is your face in the 21st century. And ironically, LinkedIn is your personal face in the 21st century. So it's like, you also need to be making sure that you're spending time building that up, making sure that all of your company information's right, your, your education's right, your picture's, not you holding a fish, your barbecuing. Right.

Lasse Joergensen: Well, it might work. I'm, I'm you know, in my industry, my work because people's just like, wow, that's very creative, you know?

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's it's just so funny. So hopefully if, if I can like change one thing, I can just be like, Hey, just change your profile, pick from holding that sweet fish to maybe just like something a little more business related, especially if you're in marketing.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. But I, but I think, you know, it really comes down to to strategy and in, in my, in my industry or what we offer is basically making a video strategy. So one thing is, you know, you know, having that main introduction video is a, is simp is simply crucial at this time on your website, just to showcase who you are what you do.

The vision, the passion and your work and, and, and, and what you offer. You can make that video in so many ways, but you wanna align that with who you are, the quality that you're providing. So that, that's one thing. And then, you know, having even video testimonials on your website, that's something that also studies shows that the conversion rate can, can, can go up by 60% by having some professional video testimonials on your website.

So bring in social proof and, and trust, of course. Yeah. But then on social media you know, you can post consistently by basically what you're doing now as a podcast. You could do that on video. And doing that every week consistently that. Help you build your audience organically. People will start following you.

They start trusting you. So every time they will need business developers. It's like, oh, Kelly, I see him all the time. Like, he's amazing. I'm follow, I'm following him. And in that way, the videos are starting doing the job for you mm-hmm. On your website, on social media, and in that way kind of work as a strategy.

And if you really wanna pump it up, you can, you can run ads as well. So but that's, that's a way to, to do it a little bit more active in a way as well, I would say.

Kelly Kennedy: So. Okay. I, I'm gonna ask you something that's maybe a little bit challenging. Yeah. But here's the reason. Here's the reason. The reason I'm gonna ask you this is because I deal with high level CEOs.

I deal with high level presidents, people, people in charge of, you know, multi multimillion dollar companies, Lasse. And I'll tell you what, they just don't understand the system. They don't understand video production. They don't, they don't know what the heck they need, and they don't know what benefit it'll have, and they just don't know where to start or what that even looks like.

So can you, okay, we're talking to a whole bunch of entrepreneurs right now mm-hmm. Who don't know anything about video production, me included, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Walk me through it. Let's say, okay, like, we don't know anything. We know we need video. We see it all over the place. We see great video, but we like, where the heck do you even start?

Where does a company start and what are the different steps they can utilize in the video production or in that process? Maybe it's like, what a place to start then. Then a next step and a next step. Walk me through what, like a full video production setup could be from start to finish for a company, just so that they have an idea of what that might look like and, and where to even get started.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's a really, really good question. And it really depends on how big the company is. Business is an entrepreneur, whatever. And also the, the budget of course. But the first thing you want to do as a business is having a great website. Mm-hmm. Having a great website with text and pictures doesn't really do much these days.

So Google actually made a study, a a study about it and and the study showed that a website with video was 800% more efficient. Wow. On all levels, even though they had the most perfect pictures and amazing text. Video videos just showcases so much more. It brings you so much more emotion, connection, feelings, everything that we are looking for.

And that's what basically why we are, we are watching a movie, is because we wanna get touched. We wanna we wanna use all our senses, right? And, and that's, that's basically why a a, a video has so much to offer. But the first thing is building the foundation. That is your website, and then the one minute introduction video.

Okay. You can also call the brand message video or corporate video. So every time people go to your website, they will just click that button. And when the video is well made, they will stay there for one minute and one minute video. Is equal to reading 10 minutes of text. Wow. No one is gonna stay on any website for 10 minutes.

They probably gonna stay 30 to 60 seconds if they like it. If they don't like it, they leave within five to 10 seconds. Wow. And then they go to the competitor. So that's why you want right away, you want a golden nugget for them to stay, and that's where the video comes in and that's why it's so valuable to have that main introduction video.

Kelly Kennedy: Oh, thank you so much. Thank you so much for just saying that. I, I'm, I'm speaking it all the time and I'm trying to like pound it through to our listeners. You do not have minutes of people's time. We have such short attention spans. I'm a millennial so I, I'll, I'll say it. I got a short attention span. Oh, me too.

I, you know, if, if I'm not interested real quick and, and what I also like, I'm a huge advocate of like physical advertising material as well as say, so Yeah. I'm regularly promoting like, yeah, you definitely want a beautiful website. You definitely wanna do a brochure that's like very, very eyecatching as well, because we're always sending digital brochures.

Yes. Or we're, or we're leaving physical brochures depending on what, what our business is. And if it isn't eyecatching, if you're not interested, if it doesn't make you be like, wow, that's cool. I want to open that in about three seconds, it's going in the garbage. Yeah. Right.

Lasse Joergensen: So true. I do the same. I basically do the same.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. Yeah. And so, so we live in this time where, yeah, you don't have much time, so you need to be thinking outside the box. You need to be thinking outside the box and what you're saying about having this like one minute eye-catching video to me. It resonates so much with me. It's, it's just like, mm-hmm.

Absolutely. Like, of course, of course we need to have that because we are also marketing to millennials, right? Like mo most people in purchasing or, or making buying decisions today in my guess would probably be millennials. Mm-hmm. Like in most businesses. So you need to be keeping that in mind when you're creating these marketing materials, which is essentially what you're doing.

And yeah. Yeah, a hundred percent. So, okay, so we've created the, the introduction. Let's say that they've done this. Now, let's say they've, they've gotten the introduction video, but there's still more to it, isn't there? What else can they be doing?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah, so like bigger, bigger companies, you know, they struggle finding the right fit for them.

They're spending a lot of time on you know, hiring different recruitment teams and stuff like that. They can basically just make a recruitment video. Okay to share a little bit about their culture, share about what they are, you know, looking for, but just so people can get a sense of their culture. So when they would need to hire, find new staff, they can just share this recruitment video on social media newsletters, but also run ads.

Okay. Businesses, they spend a lot of time on inquiries and, and, and people have the same questions. So you can easily make like a top 10, frequently asked asked question videos, and then you can get different employees from the company to, to share that. In that way they get to know you in a very personal and, and intimate way.

And that's a different way of using a video strategy and that will save you a lot of time. Because people will find what they're looking for right away. And if you put on YouTube, a lot of people will find find the videos through searching.

Kelly Kennedy: Okay. So do you find that most of your corporate clients are, are creating something for the website, but then they're also creating a YouTube channel on behalf of that company?

Lasse Joergensen: I always recommend putting in a YouTube because even though you cannot call, maybe you, you, you know, YouTube is not known for like a, a high end video streaming platform, but the reality is everyone is looking on YouTube. Mm-hmm. So that's why you want your video on YouTube, so why not put it in on a YouTube and you can even just stream it from YouTube.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. So a lot more companies too are are doing work from home, right? Like, I'm seeing a lot more startup companies that are growing where they don't necessarily have this like, head office location. What can you do for something like that? For, for our, for our smaller, our smaller businesses that still, you know, they're making revenues.

They, they need some video production, they have this great website. Yeah, they have great service. How, how can you accommodate something like that for them?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah, and that's also a really good question actually. Next week I'm gonna be filming a video exactly like that. He's an entrepreneur and he would like to create an introduction video.

But yeah, he doesn't really have the office space. So basically we could, we, we are gonna rent a, a boardroom and then it's gonna be a, probably like a three camera interview setup. So something that looks really awesome, it's very dynamic and and just making it like documentary style. Video, introductory video and then probably mixing it with some, some beautiful drone video shots and, and maybe some other B-roll footage.

But that's a good example of, of how you can do it. You don't need a big office. You don't need a specific location. It can also be in a studio setting with a white background, a black background, or you can rent Airbnb or, or your friend's house.

Kelly Kennedy: Awesome. Yeah. Well, it's, it's okay. For me, it's obvious.

 Lasse it's obvious to me why I would want to hire a professional such as yourself. However, I know that I have people listening that are thinking, well, shit, I can just go to Best Buy and I can buy this camera and I can just take my own video and I can put it online. Can you maybe just explain to people why it's best to go with a professional such as yourself?

Like I said, it's obvious to me. I totally understand, but there's a lot of people listening who are who, especially entrepreneurs, right? Like we're kind of silly in this way where we just think like, well, I can do it. If someone else could do it, I can do it. Right? But, but yeah. But I know that there's reasons to use you, so can you explain to why, why you should outsource your video production versus just buy a camera and do it in your own office?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah, that's also a really good question. I think, you know, if you can go to YouTube and, and find different videos of different qualities, right? Making a video, if you don't have the skills, it's, is, I would say it is basically impossible, like making a good professional video. It's, it's basically impossible because you need a lot of equipment.

Lighting is crucial, audio is crucial. Lenses, different cameras, like it's, it all adds up. So if you, if you really wanna make your own videos, you know, you can easily spend you know, $20,000 in equipment. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And then you need to learn how to use it. And that will, you know, might, might take a few months and then you need to know how to edit it.

And then you need to, how to colour grade. Then you need to, how to add text and music liabilities and, and it all adds up. So basically I, I like looking at myself like I'm I'm one man. I'm a one man show and I'm the editor. I'm the director. I'm the audio guy. I'm the, the, the filmmaker. I'm the coach. I'm the mentor.

I colour grade . I edit. So I, there's, there's so many roles that I need to be really good at to be able to pull off good videos. Mm-hmm. Yeah,

Kelly Kennedy: for sure. No, it, it 100% it takes skill, experience, and equipment and. It's just guys like the, the quality you can get from hiring a professional to do your video for you is next level.

And you know what I mean? Even if you were to go out and spend whatever, let's say you went and spent five, $10,000 on equipment. Once again, you need the experience, you need to know how to use it right and let me tell you that, that is its own skill in itself that takes years to perfect. So my advice to anybody listening to this right now would be, I know it, I know the idea could come where it seems like, okay, well why wouldn't I just do my own video?

And yeah, maybe sure. If you just wanna shoot a quick video of yourself on your phone, cause you're just doing a quick link to post something fine. But anything professional, anything that's gonna go on your website, anything that's gonna be a face or an advertisement for the company, you should definitely consider hiring a professional such as Lasse to get it done for you.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. And I, I would say my recommendation is basically everything on your website and everything commercial needs to be. Needs to be high end needs to be professional, but you can easily start out on, on, on social media. Like, you know, TikTok is a good example, or even Instagram, like, it's better to, to get out there instead of waiting for you know, having a budget to buy big cameras, because it's really not about that on social media.

It's more about starting and getting a strategy and being consistent and bringing value, educating your audience. That's the main thing. Mm-hmm. So that's a good way to to, to get started for sure. But another thing about, you know high quality and professional videos is that, think of it as an in four year investment.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. So you're basically gonna, you can divide that expense in, by. Because you, you can use when it's really well made, you can actually use it for around four years. So in that way, you don't need to think about videos every month and, and spending a lot of money every month. But you can make that investment and then you have something really solid that will get people hooked and, and people will get to know you in an instant.

Kelly Kennedy: So Lasse that four year mark is also really important too, because your website should be redesigned every four years as well. So, exactly. So if you think about it from like a consistency sta standpoint, whenever you revamp your website, which should be every four years on average, you should also revamp your video at the same time.

Is that what you're saying?

Lasse Joergensen: It really depends on where you're at in your business. But just roughly it could be three to five years, three to six years. It really depends.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. Yeah. Because I'm sure just like your website or just like anything digital, the trend changes. And so the video trend probably also changes with it.

Would, would that be a fair thing to say?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah, and especially, especially how you, you're drawing your audience. Like it has changed a lot the last five years, you know, and even in the past, like 10, 15 years ago you would have introductory videos being five minutes long and people just sit there and eat their snacks and bring coffee and just taking in slowly.

But now the challenge for us as a professional videographers is basically, basically making that one minute video where you just bring in all the juice and you know, I can be filming for hours. And then I need to cut that down to one minute. That's it. With, with, with three people being interviewed and then footage of the office location, drone work, the whole thing.

Wow. So th that is a, a real challenge.

Kelly Kennedy: No kidding. No kidding. Like I imagine that takes you like days to get it, to get it right.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah, it it's a skill. It's definitely a skill. It's like a puzzle. It's just like a thousand piece puzzles. And, and eventually it, it, it, it, it's gonna be completed.

Kelly Kennedy: Absolutely. Well, I like to always ask because I know that you're a high performance individual. You're a business owner, you're a very busy, busy, busy man. And can you tell us a little bit about what your daily routine looks?

Lasse Joergensen: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I usually get up at 7:00 AM then I go, go for a run just to get my, my body moving.

I, I, I, I sit quite a lot in front of the computer, so I, it's easy for me to eat healthy and, and really move my body also go, goes to the gym twice a week. So that's something that is really important to me. Yeah I, my, I, I, I think I can definitely be more structured. I would say I'm very I work very much in a flow.

So if I'm working on a video project and that's a deadline, you know, I really want to work on that first. I follow up on emails. I reach out to people make a few calls Work, work on my campaigns and yeah, it's, I do, it's just a lot of things almost at the same time.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. Yeah. I feel you, man.

I, I, I'm always moving, like between the podcast, between capital business development, now I have an employee that I'm working with and just trying to kind of manage everything. Yeah. It can be, time management becomes a real challenging thing as a busy entrepreneur, let me tell you. But yeah, kind of finding a structure that works for you that also, like you said, incorporates like by flow.

I think what you mean is there's definitely moments where you just need to take a step back and relax too. And so you're finding ways to do that and work while you have flow, but maybe when you're not in that flow and you just need some space, you're giving yourself that time as well.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah, and, and it's so true.

And I, I think my challenge is definitely just realizing, oh, I, I am actually very tired. I, I should not spend the next two hours from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM working I in this kind of Inner environment, so to speak, then it would be better to just say, you know what, I'm done for the day. So, you know, I think we all have challenges.

Mm-hmm. And and, and it's just all about, you know, being honest to ourselves and, and, and, and, and doing what's best for us, but also just really be focused on self-care as well, because you don't wanna burn out.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. I have to, I definitely like, am susceptible to that. I, I can definitely work myself too hard and, and like, I feel like, I feel like if I didn't like consciously give myself an off switch where it's like, okay, now I need to take a step back, I same as you.

I'd be up to like midnight doing work because there's always something to do. Right.

Lasse Joergensen: That's the thing, it just never stops. And, and, and, and so many times I've realized, you know what? You finished this task, you finish this task, and then there's 20 other tasks it'll never stop. Yeah. It will never stop. So for me, it's all about focusing my energy and what actually works.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah, absolutely, man. I totally feel you. So how do you keep yourself motivated? Like you know what I mean? We all have our tough times. What is it, what is it that you tell yourself when you're, when you're having those moments, when you're struggling, when you're overwhelmed? How do you keep yourself motivated?

With, with, with, with my, my profession and your profession, staying positive and staying like enthusiastic is critical. And sometimes that's not easy. What are some of the techniques that you utilize to keep yourself kind of pumped up and motivated?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. Definitely exercising is a, is, is a, is a big one.

Like if you don't exercise, it's almost like it's, you just need to exercise. And for me, it's not about having fun exercising, it's just about doing it because that's my, what my body is, is, is made for. Mm-hmm. And that really, it does something to my mood. It does something to, to my whole day basics.

So that's, that's really important thing. And also eating healthy and getting sleep, ladies and gentlemen. The most, one of the, actually the most important things is getting good night's sleep. Do whatever is needed to get a good night's sleep, whether it's doing yoga or meditating or going f going f whatever it need, whatever you need is basically just get that good amount of sleep.

Mm-hmm. But I think what what motivates me is basically, like I told you in the beginning, that I had this calling to, to do what I do. That is my motivation. So I don't, in, in that way, I, it's almost like the job is done. I don't need motivation because I, I'm just clear to walk forward. That's my clarity. So in that way, you can call it motivation, but for me it's just more about, oh, this is it.

This is so just what I'm gonna do and I love it. Mm-hmm.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. No, I feel you. I don. I don't find that I necessarily need to have an end goal to motivate me either because I, I enjoy what I do. So there are definitely days. Sure. Like any job. There are days where I'm like, ah, crap, this, this sucks. Like, I, I wish I didn't have to work today.

Right. But, oh, totally. I don't care whether you're an employee, an entrepreneur, or business owner, whatever. You do a podcast that's life there, you're gonna have days that you don't wanna do it. That's just life. That's just life. But yes, as long as you have a lot more days that you do wanna do it, then you don't, you're, you're probably on the right path.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah, but I also, I, I also see it as a as, as, as a, as personal basically that it's like being in a relationship. You know, all your patterns and all your anxieties, your fears, like all your emotional triggers. They're gonna be hit in a relationship and you can either say, oh, I should not be in a relationship.

Or you can other, other, you could also turn it around and say, wow. This is actually something within me. I can learn something from this. I'm, I wanna learn, I'm, I, I want to go deeper in life. And I think that's the same with in business, that having a business kind of like a relationship and you and mm-hmm.

It, and you're gonna be challenged and you will see the same kind of patterns show out in your, in, in your everyday life. But you can, you can deal with it or you can run away. Yeah. And I'd rather, I'd rather dealing with it and just seeing, wow, okay, this is part of my structure. This is, this is how my ego was made, so to speak.

And, and, and learning from it. And then I think we can grow as, as human beings.

Kelly Kennedy: I think it's really interesting that you compared it to a relationship. I never really thought about it that way, but a hundred percent. You like, you hit the nail on the head. It really is. It's like there's going to be situations in your relationship and in business that.

Yeah, you're going to have to, you can't just run away from everything. Sometimes you just gotta face it head on and deal with it, because the reality is nobody is going to be perfect and no business is going to be perfect and you're going to have to overcome those things. And sometimes just having the fortitude and the strength to overcome is, is the difference.

Right. It really makes the difference cuz you can't just run away all the time or you're never gonna win anything.

Lasse Joergensen: Exactly. And I, I think that's also like the, the, the trend in video marketing that I see that, and I, I definitely see that as in the future, that, that instead of, you know, showing the, the perfect product and being the perfect company, no, let's, let's see all the flaws as well.

Let, let's see. It's real human beings behind bigger or smaller companies share that culture because then it's easy for people to trust them. They see that, wow. They're just like me, Yeah, but I would still love to buy their product.

Kelly Kennedy: Absolutely. You know, like when I made this podcast too, I realized really quickly that I was gonna make mistakes cuz one, I'm just not a podcaster, I'm a business development person trying to podcast.

And so I recognize that, okay, like I'm learning, I'm learning production, I'm learning recording, I'm learning audio. Frankly, I didn't, I don't know anything about microphones when I started this. I had to learn it all. I'm still learning. I'm learning every single day and. I knew that I was gonna make mistakes.

And so literally one of the first things, I think it was my intro episode, I just said, you know, bear with me. I'm gonna do the best I can do. I'm not gonna edit out every problem or every mistake, because frankly, I'd be editing all day long. Right?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. But no, but that's, yeah. But I guess, but, but I think that's why I love your that's why I, I, I really love your, your podcast because if everything was just so polished and Oh, I'm just positive all the time and I'm just doing great, and yeah.

I'm just amazing, amazing, amazing. Then, you know, that was kind of the old age. Mm-hmm. Like the new age is like, be you. Yeah. Yeah. I want, I wanna, and I love that.

Kelly Kennedy: I want to know who people are. I wanna know people. And I think it's, so, I think that's what's so cool about business development and specifically active business development, which is what I specialize in, because we live in a time where the whole world is like, okay, well we want to take a step back.

We don't want human, human attraction. Just give us this digital ad. Give us this digital marketing. But, we as humans still crave human to human interaction, which is why you're listening to this podcast right now. You're craving a real authentic experience with a person with, with somebody communicating with you, you know?

And I think it's important that we don't forget that, that we don't forget that as people. You know, digital strategies are great. Passive strategies are great for brand recognition, that sort of thing. But you still need to be a person. People still want to buy products or services from people. You don't sell to a company, you sell to another individuals.

Hopefully it's somebody that you've created some type of connection with, some type of trust, you know?

Lasse Joergensen: True. Yeah. And that's also like, I think in my work that, you know, the reason why I really enjoy making videos is that connection, that, that personal, intimate connection. And just also kinda like seeing people grow from there.

Like seeing them getting outta the comfort zone and then delivering that to then, and they are, you know, they're always impressed seeing themselves like that, and, and they're just proud and happy to, and to, to share with the whole world.

Kelly Kennedy: It's so weird hearing yourself. I, I listen to my podcast, I'm a weirdo like that, and so like, usually the day after I produce my show, I produce it.

What's so funny, let's say, is that I don't actually listen to my show while I'm producing it because I'm listening for mistakes. I'm listening for errors to kind of make a, like, that are too bad that I need to edit out or I'm listening to to the, to the words, or I'm reading the words for the transcript, right?

To make sure that I'm editing it and I'm not getting a whole bunch of word mistakes. So the irony is I probably listen to my podcast three times before it actually goes live. But I don't actually hear myself in the podcast until I hear it live. Because you just, you're so invested. I'm sure you understand from, from production, you're so invested in the task of production that you're not hearing the message right. So it's funny, when I hear my podcast the day after it goes live, it's kind of like the first time I'm hearing it, which is, is funny to think about.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah, no, I, I get it. Yeah. I, that, that's also why I, I, I love when I say a video is completed. I like to sleep on it. And then next morning with fresh eyes , I watch it again.

And usually it's, it's finished, but they could just be a little, little tweak here and there. So yeah. It's good to do it. It's good to to listen to your own podcast for sure.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. It's, it's, it's a bit of a, yeah. It's not so bad anymore. At first it was pretty weird. It was pretty weird hearing myself because you don't, you don't really hear yourself.

Until you hear yourself, if that makes sense.

Lasse Joergensen: No, it's true. But it's also like, then you're kind of building this different relationship with your, with yourself. It's it's like the way that you look like when you go in front of a camera. The way that you look at yourself is very different from how I will look at you and the feelings and emotions that I will get by just simply seeing your, your presence.

It's just interesting thinking about it, like the way that you feel about yourself. No one will ever have that. Mm mm-hmm. They have their own way of feeling and thinking of, of you

Kelly Kennedy: that you'll never understand either. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, definitely, definitely, definitely. We could definitely go all day on that, but, but what's important is how you feel about yourself and that you, you respect yourself and love yourself and trust yourself and believe in yourself.

I think those are all critical things. Yes. I wanna get back to the business development side. We are kind of coming to the end of our interview today, but I do wanna just chat a little bit about your business development strategies. Since we are the business development podcast, I'd like to chat a little bit about what your strategy is.

Can you tell me what business development systems you utilize? Like I know you're using a lot of like video or Facebook and that sort of thing, but do you utilize a CRM or anything like that to track your day-to-day work?

Lasse Joergensen: No, I have a more like a follow up system with all my emails and I, I have some, you know, different sheets that I use for, you know, people that I'm working with and, you know, prospects and, and different leads and stuff like that.

I've been using, like, that was definitely throughout covid, you know creative email campaigns. That was that was really my way of, of, of getting clients in the beginning. Mm-hmm. I'm definitely more networking now getting, getting out there in different ways. So I'm, I'm a member of, of different networking groups which is also a really good way to you know, learn and improve on all the different ways that I can, you know, personally and also for my business.

Yeah. And then I would say like, LinkedIn is probably like LinkedIn outreach is definitely my, my, my go-to at the moment. Because email campaigns, everyone is kind of sending emails these days. And that's also what I really enjoyed. When you, when you, your podcast on on call calling, like, like no one is really, you know, calling right now, you know, that's that's something that is easy to miss also because the, the, the level of anxiety is quite high for most people doing that.

Mm-hmm. So I definitely see probably like yeah, tendency to, to, to go back to basics in a way that, that which you've al also been talking about, like doing it everything, more personal, show up at the company and say, Hi, Hey, how's it going? Or or, or making that call call. So for me personally, that's definitely where I'm, I would like to to, to go deeper into that realm.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah, no, and totally, it's like, ironically, we live in a time now where there's so much digital and passive marketing, and so many companies are focused on utilizing that as their prime strategy. That it's like you stand out by doing things that people did 20 years ago. You stand out by showing up in person, shaking a person's hand, and introducing yourself.

You sh you stand out by picking up your phone and making that, that cold call, even though it's, it's nerve wracking, you get better at them over time. And, and ironically, your competition is probably not doing this. So if you are doing it, you are standing out from the crowd in a sea, in a sea of competition by just being a person.

Lasse Joergensen: Totally. No, I totally agree. I totally agree and I think, I actually think that I haven't tried it, but I will do it, Kelly, and I'll do it for you in having you in my pocket. Like I would like to, to, to, to do cold calling a whole day and seeing the result of that. And I bet that I will have more meetings that I could ever do with any well shaped email campaign.

That's my belief.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. Like they, you can use both, right? Like the secret, the secret isn't to just do one. The secret mm-hmm. Is, is to do both. Right? But don't neglect one over the other. Like have passive marketing capital business development. We have passive marketing, right? I use a LinkedIn strategy. I, I do weekly posts.

I do posts for the podcast. I'm, I'm, I'm active on LinkedIn regularly. That's typically where I'm doing my passive marketing. Just so you know, I don't typically pay for ads outside of that. I'm usually doing it there, but I also have a full call strategy. I have an email strategy. I have a c r m, I have a process flow that I utilize for my clients and for my company.

And by following both processes, we are, we are, one, we're accomplishing brand recognition, which is important, but we're also making that face-to-face introduction. We're, we're, we're making the phone call, we're moving them down the line. We're booking meetings, which you guys sell in person, right? Like, the reality is it doesn't matter whether you're selling your services Lasse, or I'm selling my services or, or you know, my fellow podcast listeners, you're selling your services or products.

Most of that stuff is done in person and you get, you have to get the meetings to have that done in person. You have to get the meetings to build the relationship, and you get the meetings by calling people and asking for them.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah, that is so true, and I really like your approach. And I believe, I, I believe that, that it's really good to, to be very active get out there and, and but also combining the different strategies.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah, absolutely. It, it don't, don't get your head stuck in one strategy and be open to ideas. Be open to the fact that things change, right? Like, heck, I'll, I'll tell you right now. So things that change for. Like six months ago we didn't use AI for anything. And now yeah, we like, AI is all over the place.

You don't have to turn your head, you got 15 ads on your phone for AI products and services. Right. Like the world changes and you don't get closed off into one way of thinking to think, well that, that's never gonna work. Cuz frankly for like social media, post creation, AI has completely revolutionized the world.

Like that will never be the same. Yeah. And you have to be open and aware of these technologies as they're coming because your competitors are going to use them. You have to be aware of trends changing. You have to be aware of what's hot. And like in the case of, of all in productions, the world is trending towards video.

You know, high interest video something that's attractive and eye-catching. And it's not gonna be long until Yeah. If your webpage doesn't have video on it, sorry, you're, you're not gonna be considered cuz people just are not gonna stick around long enough to, to look at it.

Lasse Joergensen: Mm-hmm. Yeah. And that's, that's just like you know, we talked about the millenniums, you know, they are, they will be looking for the videos the older generations.

Not too much, but yeah, it, it's, it's just the future is everything fast, everything yeah. And everything in, in video basically. Yeah.

Kelly Kennedy: No, I, I totally agree. If you could go back to the beginning Lasse, like right to the beginning of all in productions, would you do anything differently?

Lasse Joergensen: I think just I think, you know, getting, getting more out.

I think like stepping more of my comfort zone is one thing. Also asking for help if I would need help instead of just doing on my own. That would be another thing. But I, I, I believe in that, that life is just one big process and I've, I've, you know, I I I've done the best that I could and, and, and, and I know what I know now and, and, and three years from now I would I, you know, I would know so much more.


Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. Yeah. I totally, I totally hear you. I, it's like, it's like, does it matter?

Lasse Joergensen: No, it does. It, it totally does. But in, in same, yeah. It's just kind of, that's kind of like, it's kind of like the same with the relationship that's, you know, that's, you know, the relationship you had with, you know, 20 years ago is not the same as you have now.

Cuz you, you, you changed, like, you you matured, you're doing things differently and maybe also even attracting dif different people as well.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah. The reason I like to ask that question is because it's like, even though Yeah, for sure. Are there tactics that I would've utilized that were different?

Sure. I'm sure. Like, if you could go back, the reason I like to ask the question is because sometimes there's one or two things that they think of, they're like, oh crap. If I would've known that it would've saved me a ton of money or a ton of trouble. And that could help some other entrepreneur listening to this show right now.

It allow, it kind of, it allows someone else to make the mistake so that they don't have to. And frankly, I've been successful in my business because I've seen, I've seen mistakes made by other people that, that I mentored with or that I worked close with that since I've seen it, I know what not to do. And it's like, I'm gonna make my own mistakes.

Believe me, I will. I'm fully confident. I will make my own mistakes and someone will learn from me. And it's just, I think it's important as entrepreneurs that we are passing down that information as to like, okay, yeah, I made this mistake. You might not want to do this because we're gonna hopefully save one of the future generations.

A little bit of a headache that, you know, they're gonna make their own mistakes too. But I think over time, the less mistakes you can make, the higher the chance of your success.

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. And, and, and we, but also like we learned so much from our mistakes and, and, and yeah, but I think overall it is basically like, like when I started, I, I, I thought that, you know, I don't need a LinkedIn profile and I don't need to be on video and all of these things, but

that's what I ended up doing. Like I needed to, to get on all platforms. I need to get all the way out of my comfort zone. I need to be in front of video. I need to, I just need to be in the, in the lead using videos. Otherwise it's impossible for me to, to, to ask my clients to do the same.

Kelly Kennedy: Well, I, I could tell you that I wouldn't, I would've never, like, you go back even a year and say you're gonna have a podcast.

I've been like no. No, I'm not. The irony is that you just never know where you're going to be. You just don't know. You just don't know. The funny thing is you're just always moving forward, and I think as an entrepreneur, that is what you need to be thinking. It's like, do you know where you're gonna be a year from now?

Probably not. You have an idea of where you'd like to be. Sure, but the reality is usually different from what you. And you just have to be open and willing to try something new, to try something different. And that's what I did with the podcast and it's been great. I've enjoyed it. I really enjoy this. I love this cause I get to, I get to hang out with Lasse.

I get to hang out with, you know, with all of these great people. And I'm learning, I'm learning from these interviews. I'm learning from the discussions I'm get to, I'm getting to have really real discussions with entrepreneurs, business owners, business development people. And I just, I love it. This is truly just a place that I love, but I would've never called that this is where I was gonna be.

I just like, I'm sure at some point you couldn't have called that you were gonna be in video production.

Lasse Joergensen: No, never. No, never. But, but, but now looking at, throughout my whole life, I see that, wow, okay, now it makes sense that I, you know, was working in the fashion industry you know, bachelor, social work, psychotherapy different you know, companies and music production and photography.

Everything kind of aligns into the skillset that, that, that I needed to start this company. So in that way, I'm just talking about and just being really grateful that life kind of helped me build those skills and now I'm just ready for the next level.

Kelly Kennedy: Yeah, totally. Like it's all stepping stones.

Absolutely. It's like my life in business development totally prepared me to be able to be a podcaster because it's like, I knew how to talk, I just didn't know how to do this. I didn't know how to talk to myself. That's a really weird thing. Like the pod, the thing about the podcast is super weird, especially when it's not an interview format, is you're kind of talking to yourself.

So, What I like to do is just imagine I'm talking to a group of people to like, to not make it feel so weird, right?

Lasse Joergensen: Oh, really? Yeah. I would, I would actually do the opposite, really? Like, because I, I, I'd rather being one-on-one than with a, in front of a whole group of people.

Kelly Kennedy: Oh, yeah. No.

For me, it's like, okay, it's so weird to talk to yourself. Right. So I try, yeah. I like kind of picture it, like I'm not talking to myself. I always kind of think like, okay, I'm talking to like a group of people because I am like, the reality is thousands of people listen to this podcast, so mm-hmm. You are, it's just a completely different way to talk to thousands of people.

Lasse Joergensen: Totally. Yeah. Yeah. But you're really good at it. I, for me, it's just like, you're a natural. I'm like, when I, when I you know, heard your first podcast, it's kind of like, whoa. Of course he's, he's a natural. This is kind of, you were born to do. Like, that's just my sense.

Kelly Kennedy: Oh, thanks man. I really appreciate that.

Cause I definitely didn't feel born to do it.

Lasse Joergensen: No, but that's different. That's different. But that's also, like, that's also what we talked about earlier, that you have your experience and I have my experience. And my experience is like, whoa. I love it. You're bringing a lot of value. I'm, I'm really learning from your, your podcast and inside of Kelly

it can be a different experience too.

Kelly Kennedy: Totally. And it totally is. Yeah. Just keep on going man. Keep on going. It's great. I'm working on it. I'm working on it. Do you have any questions for me? Lets say before we wrap this up today, do you have any questions you'd like to ask me maybe about business development or anything like that?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. What, what is your next step in your business regarding active marketing?

Kelly Kennedy: Oh, that's a really good question. So like we are, we are obv, we're establishing our marketing program. So I've recently hired Cole. The goal here is to hire a couple more people over the next few months and just kind of start getting the train rolling.

I'm establishing a lot of my policies and procedures. I have procedures to how I like to utilize my business development strategy as it is, like the way that we do it for clients. But I'm still kind of establishing how we're gonna be doing that marketing and stuff for capital directly. But let me tell you, it's, it's coming together and yeah, we are taking new clients.

So if anyone is listening to this and they're, and they're looking, we're, we're at the point now where we're, we're looking at new clients, although it won't be long until, until we're full up. So what we do in that case, just so that you guys are aware, is we're, we're taking waiting lists and we also work one client per industry as well to keep it very competitive.

Mm-hmm. So yeah, we, we kind of keep waiting lists and stuff going, but I think, yeah, I think sooner rather than later I'm gonna be looking at a website redesign, Lasse and we will be in touch at that time cuz I, I will be needing your services.

Lasse Joergensen: I'm looking forward to it. I would, and I would love to make epic video with you that would be really awesome.

Kelly Kennedy: Oh, I'm confident you will. Well, thank you so much Lasse for joining us today. This has been Lasse Joergensen. He owns All In Productions in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. If you guys are, I imagine you operated across Canada, if you get asked, is that correct? Yep, yep, yep. So yeah, if you guys need any type of video production, corporate video, personal video, anything like that, Lasse is your guy.

He does amazing, amazing video production, Lasse how can they get ahold of you if they would, if they would like to, to, to get in touch?

Lasse Joergensen: Yeah. Basically connect with me on, on LinkedIn. Otherwise go to the website, allinproductions.ca, and. That's that you'll get everything needed.

Kelly Kennedy: That's awesome.

Thanks Lasse, thanks so much for being here today. You guys have been listening to episode 20 of the Business Development podcast. This has been an interview with Lasse Jorgensen of All In Productions in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Just so you guys know we did submit the Business Development podcast to the Quill Podcast Awards 2023.

We do need your support. So if you guys can head over to their website Quill Podcast Awards, if you just kind of type that into Google, click on it. You can nominate the Business Development Podcast and we would greatly appreciate that nomination. You can nominate us for any new business podcast or new podcast in general, as well as any of the business categories.

And as always, we need your support. If you can like, subscribe, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. It's greatly appreciated. It allows us to expand our audience and thanks again. Until next time, we'll catch you on the flip side.

Outro: This has been the Business Development Podcast with Kelly Kennedy.

Kelly has 15 years in sales and business development experience within the Alberta oil and gas industry, and founded his own business development firm in 2020. His passion and his specialization is in customer relationship generation and business development. The show is brought to you by Capital Business Development, your Business Development specialists.

For more, we invite you to the website at www.capitalbd.ca. See you next time on the Business Development Podcast.

Lasse Joergensen Profile Photo

Lasse Joergensen

Transformative Life & Business Coach

Lasse Joergensen epitomizes the modern-day Renaissance individual, blending a rich tapestry of experiences and expertise into a dynamic career as an entrepreneur and coach. Hailing from Copenhagen, Denmark, Lasse's journey led him to the vibrant landscape of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 2017. Armed with a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work, a Marketing Degree, and a background in psychotherapy, he embarked on a mission to empower others to discover their true purpose and achieve success in the digital realm. In 2019, he founded ALL IN Productions, a testament to his passion for video production, while concurrently delving into the transformative realms of coaching, where he guides entrepreneurs through the labyrinth of online business, igniting their potential and propelling them toward fulfillment.

With a diverse portfolio spanning music production, fashion, mindfulness instruction, and beyond, Lasse brings a multifaceted perspective to his coaching practice. His approach is both holistic and hands-on, drawing on his varied experiences to provide comprehensive support to his clients. Whether it's navigating the intricacies of marketing, delving into the depths of personal growth, or fostering a sense of community among entrepreneurs, Lasse's dedication shines through, illuminating the path to success with clarity and purpose.

In the realm of entrepreneurship, Lasse Joergensen is not just a coach—he's a catalyst for transformation. Through his AUTHENTIC ENTREPRENEURS & COMMUNITY group and beyond, he invites aspiring business ow… Read More


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