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Ruthann Weeks

Ruthann Weeks Profile Photo


Ruthann Weeks is a People and Culture Strategist and founder of Harmony In The Workplace. She is a change agent whose efforts have helped to bring the importance of an abuse-free work environment to the forefront of public awareness. She is an author and gifted keynote speaker who delivers a powerful message about today’s workplace challenges.

Working as a Certified Resource Specialist in the human service sector, Ruthann went on to graduate as a Human Resource Manager. She is a Certified Psychological Health and Safety Advisor and specializes in leadership development, people and culture, diversity and inclusion, workplace bullying, sexual harassment, domestic violence, and mental health in the workplace.

Dec. 17, 2023

The Power of the Pause with Ruthann Weeks

Episode 90 of The Business Development Podcast features Ruthann Weeks, the founder of Harmony in The Workplace. The episode focuses on topics of diversity, inclusion, and mental health in the workplace. Ruthann shares her personal experiences and t...

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