June 12, 2024

Unshakable Confidence: Unlocking Success Through Self-Belief

Unshakable Confidence: Unlocking Success Through Self-Belief
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Unshakable Confidence: Unlocking Success Through Self-Belief

In Episode 141 of The Business Development Podcast hosted by Kelly Kennedy, the focus is on the crucial role of beliefs and confidence in achieving success in both professional and personal endeavors. Kelly emphasizes the non-negotiable nature of c...

In Episode 141 of The Business Development Podcast hosted by Kelly Kennedy, the focus is on the crucial role of beliefs and confidence in achieving success in both professional and personal endeavors. Kelly emphasizes the non-negotiable nature of confidence in long-term success, highlighting its significance in business development, entrepreneurship, sales, and account management. The episode delves into the power of self-belief, with Kelly stressing the importance of believing in oneself to overcome challenges and reach one's full potential.


Moreover, Kelly expresses gratitude towards the sponsors of the podcast, acknowledging their support and commitment to the entrepreneurial community. He announces the upcoming launch of the revamped Capital Business Development website, showcasing the services offered, including business development, coaching, and sponsorship opportunities. Kelly encourages listeners to engage with the podcast on various platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube, fostering a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to personal and professional growth.


Key Takeaways:


1. Embrace your unique strengths and talents to boost self-confidence.

2. Challenge negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations.

3. Set achievable goals and celebrate small victories to build self-belief.

4. Practice self-care and prioritize your well-being to enhance confidence.

5. Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging individuals who uplift you.

6. Step out of your comfort zone regularly to expand your self-belief.

7. Reflect on past successes to remind yourself of your capabilities.

8. Seek feedback and constructive criticism to improve and grow in confidence.

9. Visualize success and believe in your ability to achieve your goals.

10. Stay resilient in the face of setbacks, viewing them as opportunities for growth and learning.


Unshakable Confidence: Unlocking Success Through Self-Belief

Kelly Kennedy: Welcome to episode 141 of the business development podcast. And today we're chatting all about beliefs. How powerful are beliefs? Well, whether you believe you can, or whether you believe you can't, you're right, and we're going to talk all about it. Stick with us.

Intro: The Great Mark Cuban once said business happens over years and years value is measured in the total upside of a business relationship, not by how much you squeezed out in any one deal. And we couldn't agree more. This is the business development podcast based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and broadcasting to the world. You'll get expert business development, advice, tips, and experiences, and you'll hear interviews with business owners, CEOs. And business development reps.

You'll get actionable advice on how to grow business brought to you by capital business development, capitalbd.ca. Let's do it. Welcome to the business development podcast, and now your expert host, Kelly Kennedy.

Kelly Kennedy: Hello, welcome to episode 141 of the business development podcast. My gosh, still just blows my mind how far we've come in such a short period of time.

And you know, I could not do it without you guys are absolutely amazing rockstar listenership for real everyone. Like. This show could not continue without you guys coming back week over week, month over month, and now nearly year over year. It really could not happen without you. And honestly, the messages that I get from you guys, you know, I just got one this week, just saying how the person listens every single day on their way to work, and it motivates them and gets them pumped up for their day.

And honestly, I have no words. I have no words. I never saw the impact that we were going to have with the business development podcast when I launched it. Most of the time, I just wondered if anyone would listen at all. And The reality is there's tens of thousands of you around the world who listen all the time, and we could not do it without your support, and I appreciate you immensely.

My gosh, it has been a week, guys. I am running right now on like, I don't know. Three, four hours sleep, if I'm lucky. Our littlest guy, Jett Kennedy, he he ended up coming down with the flu last night and did not want to sleep. And I, oh, you know, my beautiful fiance, an absolute ton. Shelby kicked butt last night and really handled him, but I still didn't get any sleep and I know she didn't either.

So we're kind of running on fumes, but you guys know it. The BDP does not miss an episode. We show up week over week and we do what needs to be done to motivate and inspire my amazing people who listen to us on the drive to work every day. What an amazing message. I love messages like that. So feel free to let me know how this show has impacted your life, how it continues to impact your life on a weekly basis.

I still find it amazing that we show up, you know, on your rides to work on your workouts or just while you're chilling at your desk or on your car rides. Honestly, no words, guys. I appreciate you. Thank you so much for all you do. Show update. We are 16 and a little months, 166, 308 total downloads on Spotify and Apple podcasts.

We're sitting at 2, 147 followers. And if you guys want to help this show. Guys, following us is the best way to do it. Really doesn't cost you a dime, but it's super, super valuable to us and what we do with the show because we get recommended to other people like you who may like the show. And it really is the best way for us to grow the show guys.

Obviously word of mouth, you guys tell them friends and family, but also leaving us a rating, leaving us a review on Spotify and Apple podcasts. It goes a long way. And yes, I very much appreciate the ratings. Thank you for those of you who continue to do so. And thank you for those of you who have followed us.

If you haven't followed us yet and you're listening to this and you listen all the time, please do. Just give us a follow on Apple Podcasts and Spotify if you're really feeling up for it. I would absolutely, absolutely love it if you would leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. It goes a long way to the growth of this show and I appreciate it immensely.

I wanted to also just give a quick shout out to our current sponsors. The show is currently brought to you by Hypervac Technologies, atWork Office Furniture, Foresight for IT, and Plains Equipment Rentals. We appreciate our sponsors immensely. I know that none of us really love ads, but really guys, ads On this show, help us to continue to show up week over week so that we can deliver this valuable information.

The cool thing about all the sponsors of the Business Development Podcast is they are listeners themselves. They are behind what we do on this show. They are behind the entrepreneurial community. And we could not appreciate them more. The sponsors we have right now are amazing. And if you love this show, and you have a business, and you're looking for brand exposure, I do want to hear from you.

We definitely need more amazing people in our corner. And so if this show is valuable to you, if you have a business who needs to get that brand recognition out there, and you think that you'd make a good partner for this show, I would absolutely love to hear from you. Another super cool update for this week.

We are launching the capital business development website. So we've had one for a while and you guys know, I hop on this thing and I preach websites and I preach them hard. And so I was holding my website to a pretty high expectation and guys, it didn't meet the bar. It didn't meet the bar. And so we went in for a website revamp.

We're about five months into it, four to five months into it at this point. But I have some amazing, amazing news. The Capital Business Development website will launch, I believe, next Monday. So if it's a little sooner, great. But by next Monday. We should have a brand new live capital business development website, which truly reflects what we do.

It talks about our business development. It talks about our coaching and it talks about the sponsorship of this show. And so I couldn't be more excited. We're having a brand new website and I am pumped. And you guys can see that this coming Monday for sure. All right. And one last thing before we get into it today, I Other ways that you guys can help the show for absolute free.

Come and follow us on LinkedIn guys, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, wherever you guys listen, the business development podcast now has a presence and we would absolutely love it. If you would follow our pages and definitely come and join the conversations that we have on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is home guys. You know that I talk about it all the time.

We're growing on Instagram. We're throwing clips and stuff up on YouTube and Instagram and LinkedIn. But we have the conversations on LinkedIn. That's where I am. That's where the BDP lives. And that's where I would love to meet you guys. So please do come join us on LinkedIn. Come give us a follow, feel free to connect and let's start a conversation.

Let's learn a little bit more and let's grow this community. Okay. Alright, well, that was a long winded intro and I appreciate you guys sticking with us. Not all topics are created equally, and I've talked about this plenty of times on the show. There are some shows that are just harder than others. And they're never more hard when they impact me personally, when there's something that I've struggled with or that I've had challenges in.

And today's topic is one of those things, but yet it's absolutely critical. And what we are talking about today is beliefs, belief in ourselves. belief in our product and services. And guys, it's not an easy topic. It is not an easy topic. And I want you guys to keep in mind that I have struggled with belief in myself throughout my entire life in one way or another, as I'm sure many of you have.

It's, it's a human thing, right? It's just something that if you're a human on planet earth, There is a moment where you question yourself, where you question things about yourself, where you compare yourself to other people, to other businesses, to other co workers, to friends, to family, whatever. We struggle with belief and it never really does go away.

So everything that we're going to talk about today, I do want you guys to take it In your own frame, you know, reflect it on yourself and your own belief systems and recognize that I don't care who you are, whether you're Bill Gates or Elon Musk, they have struggled with self belief in moments. We've all struggled with it.

No matter how successful you are, we all are living a human experience. And I think that that's very important to remember before we talk about any discussion on belief, on self perception. It's something that we all struggle with. We're all living this human life. We're all doing the best we can. And I want you to know that you are you, whatever that means, and it's okay.

It's okay. There's nothing wrong with who you are. There's nothing wrong with where you are in your journey. And you can become, or be, or do anything you set your mind to. And that's really what we're going to spend some time on today. I want you guys to leave this inspired. And recognize that you are a unique individual and an amazing, amazing unique individual. And while you may not be like somebody else, you're you. And that's better than being like someone else. So we're just going to get into it. And like I said, I hope you guys all walk away today. with self motivation, with the recognition that there's nothing wrong with who you are, where you are in the world right now, that you can do anything you set your mind to.

And it's absolutely true. You 100 percent can. And we are going to chat all about it. Remember, in business development, entrepreneurship, sales, account management, Nearly any professional or personal endeavor, there is one characteristic that is a non negotiable in your long term success. And that characteristic is confidence.

Remember, confidence is key. It's king. It's everything. Guys, I have a whole episode on confidence. It's a long time ago, which is why we're revisiting it. It's really important. And, you know, we talk about it here and there in a lot of other episodes along the way, but. It really, belief in confidence really needed its own episode again.

It needed something in this modern time so that we can reflect back on it so that I can reflect back on it on my experience as I've gone down this journey, right? The great news is that confidence can be developed as we are going to chat all about today. Remember, confidence, belief in oneself, this is a moving target that is absolutely something you can develop.

It's something that you can develop. Nourish within yourself. It's something you can build within yourself. And these are things that you absolutely must learn how to do over time to be successful at anything. Not just business. Almost anything that you want to chase in your lifetime. You have to believe that you can do it.

You really do. You really do. Success in anything. comes from within. It's intrinsic. It's intrinsic within ourselves. And we have to develop that. And we don't all start out that way. We don't all start out believing, but we can go on a journey that leads us to believe, that takes us to the place that we absolutely need to go to accomplish those amazing things.

Okay? Now, I wish That I could wave a magic wand and help you fix all of your confidence challenges. I really do. I really do. But you guys know it's just not possible. We all fight our own battles with self confidence. I'm still fighting mine. You're likely still fighting yours. It's more of a move the needle every single day kind of situation, right?

You don't just wake up one day and you're confident. It's, it's a little win here, a little win there, a success here, a success there. Maybe maybe a back step or five and then you got to build your way back up. But as long as we're moving the needle a tiny bit every day, one day you are going to wake up confident in something.

In something, there is something that today you can look yourself in the mirror and say, I am flipping amazing at that thing. I am probably one of the best people on planet earth at this one thing, right? You didn't get there overnight. You got there a little bit at a time, and anything in life. is a little bit at a time and almost everything that we set our minds to, we always want to accomplish it so quick, right?

Especially in business. We want the quick win. We want the quick success. We want to just win, but nothing happens in that timeline. At least in my experience, in my experience, almost every win or success I've had in business took twice as long, if not three times as long as I thought it would. And you know, who knows, maybe that's just Kelly's pace.

Maybe that's just. Maybe that's just me. Maybe that's just what has happened to me. Maybe you are completely different. But almost everything in my life that I've endeavored to succeed in, it took longer than I thought. And then in some situations, it happened faster than I thought. But most of the time, I think that We set ambitious goals that maybe would have been almost impossible for us to hit in the timeline that we'd set ourselves for them.

And then we get down on ourselves when we're not accomplishing them that quick, right? I know I'm guilty for this, right? You guys know that I'm on this show. I tell you how it is. I tell you who I am, who is Kelly Kennedy, what has been my experience, right? And in my experience, almost everything, I, I find myself disappointed a lot of the time.

Because I didn't accomplish the thing that I wanted to accomplish it or I'm not achieving the level of success. I feel like I should for the amount of time I put into this amount of effort. But then it's funny because who gets to make that call, right? Like nobody can say how long it's going to take for you to be successful.

Nobody. Not even you, because there's a lot of factors that are completely outside of your control. A lot of the success that I've had in my life, I didn't even see it coming. It just kind of came out of left field. I did not see this podcast coming. You guys know that I talk about this all the time. The podcast is something that I didn't know.

It could have totally flopped, right? Started out in a basement, talking to my wall. Let's see where this goes. It went really far, obviously, if you're listening to this today, but. You know, like I couldn't have made that call that this podcast was going to be super successful, but it's amazing that it is, and I'm super grateful that it is, and I'm super grateful for you, our amazing listeners who come back and listen to this every week, but understand that you might not see your success coming.

Success can just come. It can come at a left field. It could come from an opportunity that you never saw, and I think in a lot of the conversations I've had with entrepreneurs over the years, they didn't see it coming. They didn't see the opportunity that truly made them successful. It came out of left field.

And I think for you, it will too. But what makes it successful? What makes that opportunity valuable? It was the confidence and belief in yourself to take that next step, to just keep going down the path, even though that path might be hard, even though that path might be killing you, it feels like, but sometimes it's just continuing.

That is success. That is building your resilience and confidence. It's just. Keep on going one day at a time, one next step at a time, and be open to those opportunities as they present themselves, right? Success and confidence is so intrinsic, but understand it's not an overnight process. It's an iterative process that will continue until the day you die.

You are never going to wake up and be completely confident, be completely anxiety free, be able to just challenge anything without fear. As humans, we are going to struggle with those things until the day we die. But you are going to get better at challenging yourself. You are going to get better at weathering the hard days.

You are going to take it one day at a time. And one day you are going to wake up more successful and more confident. Then you could have ever imagined. And when you look back, the path will be clear. But you couldn't have seen that path. You couldn't have seen that path way back when. Right now. You can't see the path right now.

The path to confidence, you're paving it. You're paving it every single day. You get up and you don't give up. You just, you kick butt a little bit every single day. And over time, you get better and better and better. at whatever tasks you are taking on, right? It's not an overnight process. It's an iterative, intrinsic process that happens over time.

So if you, if I'm getting you today and you're like, Kelly, I'm not confident. I'm struggling in sales. I'm struggling at business development. I'm scared shitless to take the next steps as an entrepreneur. You are not alone. I was there. I, I'm still there on some days. I still have days where I wake up and I'm like, what am I doing?

What should I do now? Everybody does though. And that's what I've recognized is that we are not alone. The cool thing about the business development podcast journeys is really opened up my eyes to the world of entrepreneurship and that we all struggle, we all struggle because we're all high performance individuals.

We're struggling with imposter syndrome simply because we're high performance individuals. Okay. It's because you're here trying, you're kicking ass every day. That is why, that is why you struggle with imposter syndrome. That is why. You wish things are happening faster, but you can't actually see what's happening.

You can't see it. You can't see the opportunity that is going to present itself to you, but it will. And when it does, the secret is just to be confident enough, just to have enough belief in yourself, to say, I'm going to try that next big thing. And we don't know what next big thing is going to be our big thing.

We don't. But as long as we're willing to take those steps, Mark my words. You are going to find your big thing, okay? Remember, there are two types of beliefs that I really want you to tackle today, okay? We have to tackle our self-belief, and we have to tackle belief in our product and service. Self-belief is the one we're gonna spend a little more time on.

Belief and product and service we're gonna spend some time on too. It's not. As critical because I think so much of our challenges and sales and business development and entrepreneurship is with our self belief. It's about what, what do we feel about ourselves? Are we good enough to be here? Are we confident enough to do this?

Do we believe in our product and service? Now we're going to get into that, but so much of that does come down to the way that we see ourselves and we compare ourselves to others when what we really need to be doing is working to compare ourselves. against our yesterday selves, not against anybody else.

Remember, self perception is how you view yourself and your capabilities. It's not how others see you. It's important to remember this. We think that our experience of ourselves is how other people experience us. And it's really hard to wrap our heads, and I'll be the first one to say like, okay, yeah, this is a bit of a mind blowing concept for me too.

It's really hard to wrap our heads around it. The way that we see ourselves, the way that we view our individual selves is completely, completely different than the way that your peers, your family, your friends, your coworkers your clients perceive you. They see you completely differently in their own way.

And each one of them might see you in a completely different way. Based on how you show up in that relationship. So it's important to remember that the way that you see yourself, the way that you feel about yourself in a moment is not necessarily how the rest of the world sees you. Even though we can project and believe that that is the way they are seeing you.

Most people are seeing you completely different. And if you ever are brave enough to simply ask them, Hey, You know, what is your perception of me? What do you see when you see me? I think you're going to get a much different answer than you would have thought because they see you very different than you see yourself.

And it's important to remember that. It's just important to say that, like, Just because you're having a bad day and you're feeling bad about yourself in a moment, or you're feeling amazing about yourself in a moment, doesn't necessarily mean that everybody else is seeing you that way. So remember, the way you see yourself is very different than the way the rest of the world sees you.

Okay? Very important. So much of success is simply believing you can. Whether you can or you can't, you're right. What do I mean by this? Success starts with belief, okay? Whether you believe you can or you believe you can't, you are right. Because you are going to be true to your beliefs. So for instance, if I tell you that you can go and climb that rock wall and you say, yeah, I can 100 percent climb that rock wall.

You are going to feel lighter on that rock wall. You're going to drive, you're going to go up, you're going to go over. You are going to probably climb that rock wall. Why? Because you believe you can. Now the opposite. I can't climb that rock wall for, name the reason, my arm hurts, my leg hurts, didn't eat my Wheaties this morning, okay?

That rock wall is going to be 100 percent harder to climb, if not impossible, because you keep telling yourself you can't, and you're putting barriers in your way, and you're Your mind is trying to make that true. It's trying to balance reality with perception. And so if you perceive yourself as incapable, unable to, your body is going to make that happen.

The world around you is going to make it very hard for you to succeed. And I'm not going to get woo woo with this. This, this isn't woo woo. I'm really getting into just simply what you tell your mind you can do. Within reason, you 100 percent can't or can't. And so, so much of success in business is simply telling yourself you can.

And finding the ways to do that, to make that true or the opposite. I can't sell this product because X, Y, Z, well, X, Y, Z then is going to make it damn near impossible for you to sell the product because if you sell the product, then you're not congruent with what you said. And so it's very important that.

I know this is an incredibly hard concept to like wrap your head around. I totally get it. But in simplicity, it really just comes down to if you believe you can, you can, if you believe you can't, you can't, and the world is going to make it congruent. Your body is going to make it congruent. Your mind is going to make it congruent.

It's going to give you every reason why you can't. If you tell yourself you can't, and it's going to give you every reason why you can. If you tell yourself you can. So it is important that nine times out of 10, We are telling ourselves the right things. We are saying we can do this. How can we do this?

What is the best way to do this? Ask your mind questions that it can find positive solutions to instead of asking it questions that it's only going to find negative solutions to. Make sense? Set your mind up for success. Find the yeses. Find the how can I do this? What's the best way to do this? I can do this.

These are the ways forward. If you say you can. Or you say you can't. You are correct. Okay. It's so funny. Cause my dad, my dad owned a maintenance company and he could fix anything guys. Like my dad was a rockstar. He didn't have a ticket and like anything, but he could fix anything. Anything. I've watched my dad fix like stupid amounts of things.

There was almost nothing that he wouldn't try. And I remember one time just asking like, Dad, how'd you get so good at fixing everything? And he looked at me and he said, and it's funny because these words ring just as true for me now in almost anything that I take on in life. He looked at me and he said, Kelly, If someone else can do it, so can you.

And while I get it, there are probably things that someone else can do that maybe we can't. The vast majority of the time, probably 95 percent of the time, he was absolutely correct. And one of the funny things that came out of this is, you guys wouldn't know it. But I'm incredibly good at fixing things. I can fix just about anything that goes wrong with my car, around the house, and I, and I enjoy doing it.

What's funny is I never wanted to do it for work. And while I didn't follow in my father's footsteps, I did take that to heart. And I want you guys to take that to heart today. Because if someone else can do it, So can you. And 95 percent of the time, that's going to be 100 percent correct. The difference between succeeding and not succeeding is simply saying, Yeah, I'm going to try to do that.

I'm going to figure it out. I'm going to YouTube how to fix that thing. I'm going to do it. I'm not going to call someone else for help. I'm going to figure out how to do it myself. And I think you'll find the more often you challenge yourself to something like that and find success, the more things you're willing to try.

And this applies to not just life, not just fixing things around your house, but in business. The more small successes that you have, they lead to bigger successes because you're willing to try more. You're willing to go a little bit further, to step a little further outside of your comfort zone. There's so much pride available to you in the small wins in life.

There's so much self pride in being able to fix your dishwasher, in being able to fix your car tire, in being able to You know, whatever, build something, right? There's something about those small wins that led me to the bigger wins in business. And it really did come down to, I can do it. I can figure it out.

I, I'm not going to let XYZ company get in the way. I'm not going to let that supply chain manager get in the way of me and the meeting that I need to book. I just kept going. I didn't quit. And it was the little wins and that confidence that if I just stick at it, I'm going to find success that led to so much success and continues to lead to success.

Do I have failures? Yes. Do I have days that suck? Yes. Do I have moments where I'm like, Oh, what am I doing? Yes, absolutely. I can tell you even recording this show. Like I said, I'm, I'm running on probably three to four hours of sleep right now, but. It's important that I show up and I do this show. It's important not just for you but for me because I love to do this show and I pride myself in being able to show up and get it done week over week.

And I think it's really important to figure out what are those things for you that you pride yourself in and do more of that because those are the things that build you up as a person. And that give you that self motivation, that self confidence, and that belief in yourself to keep going, okay? There's something to be said about the small wins.

There's something to be said about just taking on that challenge and trying it. You're not going to win at all of them, right? There's going to be some things that maybe they were a little too hard, or maybe someone else does need to come do it. But I'll tell you what, most of the time, You're going to find the win most of the time.

You're going to realize you could do it yourself. You did do it yourself and not only did you do it yourself, you kicked ass at it. Okay, just remember. It really does just come down to saying, I can do this. I can do this. Your mind will make it congruent. You will figure out the way to come out the other end, okay?

Remember, confidence radiates through you. It actually transcends you. The same is true about any insecurity. The reason that this is important, okay, is that even if you are trying to fake it, but you don't really believe, right? You're having that moment where you're like, ah, I don't believe in what I'm doing in this moment, or I don't believe in myself.

I don't, I don't have the self confidence in this moment. Okay. Even if you're trying to fake it, you're, you're going to come through the confidence or the lack thereof is going to come through, whether that's on your phone calls, your emails. And the weird thing is, guys, is that it always gets picked up by our potential clients.

And most of the time, if you're being rejected, you could be rejected saying the same line, or you could be approved saying the same line. The funny thing is, it's just the way you say it, right? Confidence is absolutely critical to success. Sounding confident, being confident, it radiates, it radiates through a phone line, it radiates through an email, it radiates through your body language and physical conversation, okay?

And I read something absolutely crazy, guys. According to neurosciencenews.com, our brains are biologically tuned to be influenced by confident people. We are literally programmed To be more receptive to confident people in a completely subconscious way. Does that not blow your mind? So now there's literally science.

We've known forever that confidence wins the day. We've known. We didn't always know why. Now we literally know why. It's because as humans, we are programmed to follow confident leaders and by somebody simply extruding confidence, it makes them more trustworthy and it makes us want to work with them.

It makes us want to say yes. Confidence is truly biologically wired into us to be more receptive to. It's literally in the science guys. It's there's no more hiding it. We have to find ways to build our intrinsic confidence in ourselves. in order to be successful long term. It is now scientifically proven that we have to do it.

So, how can we build more confidence? That, that then becomes the question, right? How can we do it? Well, I have some tips for you today and some simply just from my life experience, okay? The first one that I'm going to give you Is that there is no shortcut. Okay, stop trying to shortcut your way to success.

There is no shortcut to success. Almost everything is going to take longer than you thought. The opportunity is going to come out of left field. You're not always going to be able to plan for your success. But if you are doing the right things, you are going to set yourself up for success. So remember, our life is never going to go exactly the way we planned.

Our business is never going to run in the exact direction we planned it to go. Something is always going to come up. Something's always going to come out of left field, but it's the left field things that make us successful. It's the left field thing you didn't see coming. That's going to be the biggest thing you or your business ever did.

But you have to just be around. You just have to keep going and be open to those opportunities and believe in yourself, believe in your company, believe in your products and services, and recognize that as long as you stick in this game, as long as you're showing up, You're, you're marketing, you're doing great work for your clients.

You are going to find success. You are not only going to find success, success is going to find you. Okay, so just show up, do what you got to do. Keep on keeping on. Recognize that you're going to have days where you don't feel confident, where you're feeling anxiety like crazy, where you're questioning why you're on this path.

I have them too. So does every successful person I've ever met. Okay, you are not alone. You are literally. Just like everybody else. And it's amazing. And if you can just recognize that, recognize you are amazing and there's nothing wrong with you or your business or the path you're choosing or your point in your journey today, because it's just.

the point in the journey today. Tomorrow is a new day. You're going to be a little more confident tomorrow. So don't worry about it. You're going to get better day over day. So just recognize that first. You are unique, you are individual, and you are amazing just the way you are. So stop comparing yourself to others.

Remember, you are unique. You are valuable. There's nobody else like you. And self love can be hard, but you deserve it. You deserve it. So stop hating on yourself. Stop comparing yourself to where you wish you would be and recognize that you are right where you are supposed to be in this moment, okay?

Celebrate the wins. I'm horrible for this, guys. I'm horrible for this. We've had so many amazing wins on this journey, on the podcast journey, on my personal journey with Capital and I'm the first to say that, like, I'll be excited in the moment and then I'm on to the next thing. What, how can we do this better?

How can we be better? And that's really just a part, I guess, of who I am. And unfortunately, as an entrepreneur, I tend to move the needle a lot. And I've talked to lots of people, lots of really smart people who have told me to celebrate the wins more, and they're right. We have to find the ways to celebrate the wins more.

So celebrate the wins. And I know I'm, I'm being a bit of a hypocrite cause I struggle with this too. So I'm going to work on it too. But let's, let's learn how to celebrate the wins better together. Okay. Let's try to stop for a minute, smell the roses and recognize that where we are at today is okay.

We're right where we are supposed to be. Make a list of all the things that you're great at and double down on them, okay? There are certain things about you that you are just amazing at. There are, there are work tasks, there are jobs, there are businesses, there are, God knows, a million skills. That you are probably amazing at there are things that you are better at than anybody else.

And in the old thinking, people would say, well, start to work on the things that you're not as great at. But I think the new thinking is a lot more towards double down on the things you're great at and hire people to do the things you're not great at, because the things that you are great at, not only are you great at them, you love doing them.

And you need to be spending more time doing things you love than doing the things you hate. And it's so funny, I'm going to just mention. an amazing sponsor and friend of this show. So Hypervac Technologies, you know, has been a part of this show for a long time. Colin Harms is one of the co owners of Hypervac Technologies.

And Guy owns the company. He does business development. Why does he do business development? Because he's flipping amazing at it. And he loves doing it. And it puts a big smile on his face every day. And that's the job he wants to do. Could he just hire someone else to do it? Absolutely, but he's great at it.

And because he's great at it, he doubled down on it. And I would say that that's what we need to be doing more of. We need to be doubling down on the things that we are truly great at, that truly bring us joy in our day. And if we can double down and do more of that, not only are we going to be way better, are we going to produce products and services that are way better than ever before.

And not only that, love doing it. But we're not going to be wasting time doing the things that we're not good at. We're going to hire people who are great at those things, who love doing those things, who are going to do them to the level that you can do other things at, truly bringing our organizations to the next level.

So, spend more time doing things you're great at, double down on them, and don't be afraid to write out a list so that you can see what are those things, okay? Don't be afraid to jot down a list when you get started just to really put it all down on paper so that you can, you can really remember what are the things, what are the things you really love doing that you wish you could do more of, okay?

Push your limits. Push your limits. I think you will surprise yourself. I know I did, okay? Like, guys, I could have never saw the world that I live in now. And it gets better all the time. It gets better every day, right? I I could have never seen my world in 2024, not even in 2023 or 2022. It's a completely different world than I saw coming and it's amazing and I love it.

I'm thankful to be here, but recognize that if I wouldn't have pushed my limits, if I, if I would have just let my anxieties take over, my fears take over, my, my, my limiting beliefs. Guide the way my podcast equipment. It would have never came out of the corner of my bedroom. And you know what? It almost didn't.

I've talked about it on this show more than once. Basically it came down to a, you need to do something with that equipment or we should sell it because it's a ton of money. In the corner of the bedroom situation, which is what led to the very first recording of the business development podcast, the very first intro episode, guys.

And yeah, I was scared. And I think I told you guys, episode three is my least favorite episode. You probably wouldn't even notice. I've never had anybody reach out and say episode three sucked. You should have never done episode three, right? But I wasn't feeling good about episode three. I think I was feeling sick.

I was feeling doubtful. I was wondering, why in the world am I doing this show? Does anyone even care? Is anyone even gonna care? I was going through a ton of limiting beliefs, but, I didn't let it stop me. I released it and then a couple days later I released episode four and I felt way better. Way better.

Most of our limiting beliefs are challenges. They're just, they're in the rear view mirror. If you just get past them, they are in the rear view mirror faster than you think and you're on to the next thing. So many challenges in life are just momentary. Anxieties, meeting anxieties, performance anxieties, whatever you're dealing with.

Stage fright. Almost all of those things, they don't last. They're just a moment of fear. They're just a moment of scary. A moment of nerves. And you're out the other side. But you wouldn't know that unless you challenge it. Unless you say, I can do this and I'm gonna come out the other side. So, you can do it.

Push yourself. Push your limits and watch, you're going to come out the other side. You're going to surprise yourself. Do more of what makes you happy. Okay, we talked about this guys. The things that make you happy are probably the things that you're best at. When it comes down to life, you should be doing more of what you're best at.

Double down, double down and find things to make you happy because the things that make you happy, you're going to be good at, you're going to have success at. Consistent success in something. leads to confidence. It is the path to confidence. It's succeeding at the things you're good at that are going to lead you to more and more future things that you're good at.

So spend more time doing things that make you happy, and it will build confidence all on its own. And check your I cant's okay? Turn them into I can's if someone else can, so can you. I want you to take that away from this. If someone else can do it, if someone else has found success in your industry, if someone else at your company is killing it, if if you have a friend who's a business owner and you're a business owner and your friend's killing it and you're like, ah, how's he doing that?

You can emulate it. You can do it too. It's just a matter of time. So stop trying to compare yourself to other people and just recognize that you are you. You are individually you and you are on your own path to success. Whatever that looks like. However you define it. Your success is whatever you want it to be.

You get to choose and you will get there. At your own time. At your own pace. Just believe in yourself. Say I can, and you will come out the other side, okay? Okay, and what about belief in our product and service? I've talked about this a couple of times. Guys, belief in your product and service if you're a business owner or if you're selling a product and service on behalf of a company is absolutely critical.

You have to believe in what you're selling or you're not going to be able to sell it well. Why? Because you have to be able to articulate the value proposition and you should believe in the value proposition in order to effectively market it, okay? It is really important that we believe in what we are doing and what we are selling.

So much of that is intrinsic belief in ourselves and it can radiate out into the products and services, which is why we started there. But belief in your product and service belief that it is the right choice for your customer, that it brings benefit to your customer's life is equally important. And if you work for a place and you do not believe in the products and services, my advice to you is to quit.

Quit and go and work for someplace with a product and service that you can get behind or start your own company and sell a product and service that you can get behind. But either way, sell a product and service that you can get behind. Life is too short. Life is too short and there are too many opportunities out there for you to be wasting one more minute selling a product and service that you do not believe in.

Don't even do it. Just quit. There is a job out there for you. There is a product and service that you can believe in, that you can feel good about. And I encourage you to take that step. It is critical and it will be critical to the long term success. Alright guys! So whether you believe you can, or you believe you can't, you're right.

So believe in yourself from this point forward, because you got this. Shout outs this week, Shawn Neels, Bryan Hayes, Erm Lombardi, Rodney Lover, Christina Smith, Vijayan Swaminathan, Govind Kusa, Mario Aguilera, Colin Harms, Jesse Schewchuk Mindy Kay McRae Broadbent, Ken Gee, Jayson Chakkalakal, Gary N, Aaron Haberman, Luana Burns, Jesse Kerr, and Susan Poseika.

Until next time, this has been the Business Development Podcast, and we will catch you on the road. The flip side.

Outro: This has been the business development podcast with Kelly Kennedy. Kelly has 15 years in sales and business development experience within the Alberta oil and gas industry and founded his own business development firm.

In 2020, his passion and his specialization is in customer relationship generation and business development. The show is brought to you by Capital Business Development, your Business Development Specialists. For more, we invite you to the website @ www.capitalbd.ca. See you next time on the Business Development Podcast.