In this episode, Kelly discusses why an Active Marketing Strategy that includes direct phone calls, e-mails and human connection may be more effective than ever.
In this episode Kelly discusses the steps you should follow to have an exceptional meeting with your client. He outlines best practices and steps to make sure that your meeting leads to a successful outcome.
In episode 11 - Kelly discusses Active vs Passive Marketing and which approach may work better for your business and marketing strategy.
In this episode, Kelly reiterates the importance of qualifying your target lists and marketing materials and talks about some new techniques for lead generation.
In this episode, Kelly discusses the benefits a CRM provides to your business.
In this episode, Kelly discusses how to maximise your opportunity by finding the right leads for your business.
In this episode, Kelly discusses marketing materials and how to go about creating compelling content.
In this episode, Kelly discusses why your business should consider a business development representative, and what to do if you cannot currently afford one.
In this episode, Kelly discusses what to look for when hiring a BD Representative.
Kelly works to answer the age old question.... What is Business Development?
Kelly introduces himself and The Business Development Podcast.