In Episode 13, Kelly speaks to his challanges with Performance Anxiety, Stress and Stage Fright and works to normalize the feeling with Entrepreneurs & Business Development Representatives.
In this episode, Kelly interviews Justin LaRocque the CEO of ROC Advisors in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. We discuss Finance, Perseverance, Determination and Much More. Key Takeaways: Assess the risk & take the leap There is suc...
In episode 11 - Kelly discusses Active vs Passive Marketing and which approach may work better for your business and marketing strategy.
In this episode, Kelly interviews the President & CEO of Solace Safety Solutions and discusses the challenges of starting a brand new Business in the middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Episode Highlights: Confidence in your pro...
In this episode, Kelly reiterates the importance of qualifying your target lists and marketing materials and talks about some new techniques for lead generation.
In this episode Kelly discusseses taking a chance with the President of Maverick NDT Inspection Inc. Episode Highlights: There is no better time than now to start your business Mutually Benefitial Relationships Take a chance